Sunday, September 3, 2023

Week 4 Progress ~


Still not a whole lot to show, but I think things will begin to come together this coming week.  The project has not gone as quickly as Bruce predicted, but hey, I've waited 24 years for this so what's another couple of weeks.  I am still handling the chaos and stress much better than I had anticipated I would 😁

I did get appliances this week.

Unfortunately, the dishwasher wasn't unboxed until day 3 after delivery, and you only have 48 hours to report damage.  I was just sick to find out the dishwasher had a dent in the front.  The box had absolutely no damage, so it had to leave the factory dinged.  Thankfully Samsung has a 30 period to report issues so I will be getting a new door.  That was very upsetting!!!

The current state of the kitchen!  I am happy with my countertop choice.  Just Formica because I just could not justify spending the $$$$ on a solid surface . . . or soapstone countertops (which I really wanted!).

Soon I will actually have some hooking stuff to share.  Not much but at least I am dusting off my hook!

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Happy Labor Day weekend.
Pug hugs 😊


Saundra said...

That is a lot of wool you've spent on your kitchen appliances, lol. But at least you have located yours hook and dusting it off. The countertop color will go well with the appliances.

Julia said...

Bummer about the damaged dishwasher door. Your kitchen will look amazing with the new appliances. I'm looking forward to the finished reno. Hard to believe that it's been 3 weeks already. Time is going so very fast for me.

Thanks for sharing your progress.
Hugs, Julia

NMK said...

How frustrating to see the Dent in your brand new dishwasher !!!! Good to hear they will replace it . I would love new counter tops too , but they are so pricey , I would like Butcher Block , but that isn't in style either ...Darn HGTV !!!! LOL

Happy to hear you have found your Hook & some Wool to play with !!! Have to hook something pretty for your brand new kitchen !!!

Andrea said...

Will you actually cook in your pretty new kitchen?????

acorn hollow said...

Ohh you must be excited to see it coming together.

Prims By The Water said...

So glad you are getting a new door. That would suck if you had to have a damaged front door. I would have been sick too. Looking good otherwise! Janice

marly said...

Your Formica looks great. I have soapstone. You do NOT want it.

JustGail said...

They left the tile on the wall behind the range?? It will be interesting to see how they deal with covering up all those various surfaces. Bummer on the dishwasher door, good that Samsung is replacing it.
It looks like the narrow cabinet to left of the range is for baking sheets? I'm a bit envious. I couldn't get one of those worked into our kitchen. But I can say you will love those big drawers for pots and pans.

Sue Swank said...

Just noticing, you left up some of that lovely green tile?? I mean, it is a pretty green.

TheCrankyCrow said...

It's coming your countertops - and from the photo, could easily pass for soapstone. I really wanted soapstone too but went to 3 places and they all steered me away. Cath has them, though, and loves them. Probably just as well since my ceilings are so dark and low it would have darkened things even more. I am surprised that they brought the appliances and cupboard bases in before putting the flooring in?? And the tile? But what do I know? I'm getting a new appliance too... My upright freezer gave up the ghost...water everywhere (should have been defrosted a while ago...but not this way.) Nothing salvageable. WTH. ~Robin~