Thursday, September 28, 2023

From This ~

~ to this.  I am so tired of unpacking boxes and trying to figure out where to put things 😢  I have more cupboards but they are configured differently.  I have been unboxing for several days.  I really am trying to purge things but don't believe I am being too successful.  I come by the hoarding gene justly.  My dear mother . . . a product of the depression.

So here is today's pile.  So funny.  I have never been one to shy away from pounding nails in to walls, but hate to put nail holes in my pristine walls.  In due time . . .  

These are items that I am either going to redecorate with, give away or perhaps some of the better stuff, try to sell, but I know I will get almost nothing for the items so not sure it is worth it.  What do you do with a 35mm SLR camera you spent a small fortune on?  I do have another box that is going to the thrift store.  I just want to be DONE.  It doesn't help matters that I woke up today feeling like crap.  Scratchy throat and watery eyes.  I am hoping it is allergies and not a cold.  I have too much to do in the next week to not feel well.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊


Prims By The Water said...

I have to purge more myself. The last purge some items went back to the store to be sold. Nice to have an antique store, but wont make any money as I paid full price for most of what I got rid of. Oh well Did enjoy them for a ling time. Trump was here in Michigan and he was one street over from where my daughter works and she did get to see him. I wish he would have been at this last debate. Good luck finishing up your own purge. It will look very nice once completed. Janice

Saundra said...

How about asking a local school if they have a photography class. They did when I was in school but that was 100 years ago. Or perhaps a local bird watching group might want a camera with more pixels than the easy ones we use. I have one with various lenses that I'm holding onto and should follow my own advise.

Julia said...

You got a lot of unpacking done. We have one of those old 35 mm camera that George dropped and it got damaged but he hung on to it. The darn thing is so heavy. We still have all the slides.

He finally wants to get rid of it. I'm wondering where to bring it too. Maybe I'll ask a photography store.

Take care. It will all fall into place.
Hugs, Julia

TheCrankyCrow said...

Well dang, made great progress. When you figure out what to do with that camera, let me know. I think I have about 5 here...complete with telescopic lenses, cases, and even a tripod (somewhere). Yeah, my hoarding gene came the same way. I have found that it doesn't pay to try to purge if our soul is not in it. Then I tend to just put things in different piles with intentions to list online, ask if so-and-so might want, etc. I have to wait until I am really in the "I-can't-stand-this" mode (which comes once in a blue moon) and then make the most of it. ~Robin~

marly said...

Oh I hope you don't get sick! I totally understand about the keep or toss dilemma. It's tough! I worry that what I think I will no longer use will be something I want after it's gone. My brother sold a few of those 35mm cameras to a guy that has a booth. That guy takes just about anything and sells on ebay too. But he won't take my china!! LOL!!

Lori from Notforgotten Farm said...

a yearly purge helps me...or thoughts thereof LOL
slow progress is still progress :)