Monday, September 25, 2023

The Wool Room ~

Anyone who has a wool/craft room knows it is almost impossible to keep it clean and organized.  I have been trying to fold and sort wool by color.  Problem is the wool is different sizes . . . and then deciding what color the wool is.  Is it blue?  Is it green?  Which shelf should it go on?  Is the piece too small to put on the shelf?  

I failed to take before pictures.  The shelves were a total disaster.  Here is what they look like now.  Much better but sadly I know as soon as I need to pull wool for a new project they will be a mess once again.  Another issue . . . too much wool!!!  I ended up having to put wool in two large plastic totes.  A terrible problem to have 😏

As any hooker knows, worms multiply while we sleep.  I finally sorted them.  I need to learn to cut as I go!!!

I will be dealing with this for quite some time.  It will take me a while to figure out where everything goes.  Some items will return to their previous cupboard shelf, but since some cupboards are configured differently, too many decisions on where things should go.  Plus trying to eliminate useless items!

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊


TheCrankyCrow said...

I'll come help you sort through things!! I had to laugh at your dilemmas in sorting the wool. I know EXACTLY what you mean. Not that I have a wool room but, a while back, Cathy was having some classes at her studio and had been on the road and enlisted me to stack/sort her wool. One should never ever ask an OCD personality to do something like that. Needless to say, she never asked me to do it again. 🤣 ~Robin~ (Pssst... what are you doing organizing your WOOL room when you have a downstairs area to organize?? Avoidance?? 😉)

Sue Swank said...

That is a lot of wool. But isn't it amazing that sometimes we still don't have the color we want/ need?? You could make lots of rugs with those pretties.

Saundra said...

Next to binding, organizing my wool is a second in line dread.

Nancy said...

You could run a woole store!! I love your primitive cupboards...🤎

acorn hollow said...

You have wonderful colors too! Your cupboards are lovely. Yes the minute you decide to pull wool it is all over you should see my work table right now it is a horror.
You are taking on a lot at once the kitchen and your wool room

Prims By The Water said...

A wonderful wool collection! I know how you mean with pulling out colors and it will get messed up. Same here with me on pulling out my fabric. Big ole mess. Then I just jam it back in and it gets worse. LOL Will be pulling out wool soon and will have the same problem. LOL Good luck cleaning and putting things back together. Janice

marly said...

Forgot looking at the mess, look at that cupboard!! Perfect for the corner. The other cabinets are all great, and look at the stair crocks! Yes, I always look past the subject in a photo. If you want to get rid of small pieces, why not kit a small ornament for applique to offer at your next vend? Wool is not easy to get locally for most, and newbies don't want to buy a half yard to test their skills.

JustGail said...

IMHO, while organizing the stashes, if it doesn't get worse before it gets better, you're not doing it right.
The wool room looks good! You have some gorgeous cabinets for storage.

Maureen said...

Ask the skinny fella in your wingback chair to lend you a hand….or two!

NMK said...

Your wool supply looks awesome !!!
Sorting thru treasures is never easy .....