Wednesday, September 20, 2023

New Old Treasures ~

I really need to stop finding new treasures!  Daily I think about purging but then come home with "stuff".

Last Friday my new sister-in-law Lyn (smile) texted me information about an antique barn sale that morning.  She could not go Friday and so I texted friend Laura who said she would pick me up as soon as she got dressed . . . lol.  I had not looked at any of the items from the sale, but Laura texted me a couple pictures.  There was this really cool pug picture and it was still there when we arrived.  How could it not come home with me?  Sorry for the angled shot but it was the only way I could avoid glare.

It is an original charcoal drawing measuring      18 1/2" x 24 1/2" excluding the frame.  Note how different a pug looked way back when.  It had a pronounced snout and much longer legs.  They have bred these characteristics out of pugs.  The flat face they are now noted for has contributed to many breathing/health issues.  Friend Julia says that itinerant painters would have part of the charcoal done and just add the head to the already completed body.

The frame is most unusual.  I am not real wild about it.  Made of wood, I am not sure how it was made.  Based on the back of the frame, it has been in the frame for some time but most likely, IMHO, not original.  It is not two separate separate frames as it appears.

Yesterday between hooking and a doctor's appointment, I had time to kill.  I stopped at an antique shop I haven't stopped at in many years.  In all my years of antiquing, I have not come across another crock like this.  It is in commemoration of George Washington's 200th birthday.  It does have a crack but a cracked crock never has bothered me.

One more item to share.  Lyn gifted me this pin drum several years ago for Christmas.

At a show on Sunday a vendor was selling pin drums she stitched and her mom sewed and I decided to treat myself (once again 😁).

Can you believe they are the same pattern, just with a different name?  I don't believe it!  Here they are side by side.  Same count linen but Mary was finished a tad smaller.

There is still time to purchase raffle tickets for this WONDERFUL rug, but it will be given away to one lucky person this Saturday.  You can get the details here.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊


Prims By The Water said...

I dont like all of the inbreeding of dogs...especially now with all of these designer breeds. LOL on the drum roll. Guess you were meant to have this design by hell or high water. What a coincidence that you have another one now. Interesting crock. Which antique store did you go to this time? Janice

Saundra said...

Is it true it isn't a 'collection' until you have 3? Hmm, guess you better go hunting again for another stitched drum. I think the old version of Pugs is the prettiest. Some how I knew about the progression (regression) of the breed and maybe you even posted about it at some point.

Julia said...

You'll soon run out of place to display all your collections. I see a new collection being born soon. There surely must be a third one out there just for you.

Oh, my. I would have never known that the dog in the charcoal painting was a Pug.
I hope that you've already found a place for all your new acquisitions.

Enjoy the weekend.
Hugs, Julia

TheCrankyCrow said...

We really are living parallel lives.... I torment myself daily about purging and chastise myself equally frequently for even thinking about bringing anything else here...but, then, things happen...and things find me? Today I went to lunch with the hooker down the road and we found a new little store...really LITTLE...but, yup, still things came home. I love your charcoal drawing and I actually really like the frame. I was enlarging the first photo to see the frame better before reading on. Too weird about the stitched drums. Is it just me or is the top (and likely bottom) finishing fabric the same on both as well? Surely they were stitched by the same stitcher/finisher? Or is that what you were saying LOL? ~Robin~

NMK said...

Great treasures you found and they found You !!! Just meant to be ! I am trying to stay away from Antique shops because I know I will find something I need too !!! LOL

acorn hollow said...

I love the art work and the frame. Interesting crock I have never seen one. I am purging but I don't have the good stuff you have.