Last night we celebrated Christmas with Jake. Can you tell by the look on his face he was a little excited?
Son J with girlfriend Jessica and Annie being a PIA.
Jake in the sock monkey hat I got him. As I suspected, it was an adult sized one. I got a pic of my son wearing it, but promised I would not post it. Darn ~ it was a hoot.
We've gotten a bit more now. I'm guessing maybe 8" of the white stuff. That's more than we ever had on the ground last winter. I ended up having to work again yesterday. All work and no play is wearing me out. Thankfully New Year's Day is a holiday.
The little hit and miss hooked mat is bound and hopefully will get to its new home in the next day or two. I have nothing on my frame. I hate when I don't plan a rug ahead and then it seems to take forever to find my next project so nothing gets hooked. I think my hook may be getting rusty. I still need to hook a Christmas present. Rather than run out and buy something at the last minute, I told the recipient she would eventually get her present . . . sigh. The little watering can was a gift from BFF Wink. It is only about 11" tall ~ just too sweet.

Ellie is never far from my side. Her mom doesn't seem to be improving. When I visit her, they don't tell me much because of Hipaa laws. They have done many tests but I'm not sure they have determined what is going on. Ellie and Annie are doing a bit better, but having two dogs is very difficult for me. I don't have a fenced yard and they can't be walked together and Ellie needs frequent trips outside to avoid "accidents". I called the rescue she was adopted from hoping someone could foster Ellie while my friend is on the mend. The rescue coordinator is pregnant and stressed, so she was not very helpful. She said the only option was for Ellie to be boarded. I don't want to do that to the poor little thing, so I will take it a day at a time. Has anyone out there been through a similar situation and can offer any suggestions?

I haven't even started to think about taking down the Christmas decorations. I normally start after New Year's Day, but this year I may be running later than that. Thankfully they come down a little more quickly than they go up, but it still takes me many days.
Thanks for stopping by.
Pug hugs :)