1890 Roosters is finally bound though it still needs a final steaming and a label. That little rug took way too long, but I am happy with the way it turned out. It was so hard to hook in that scrappy style . . . but I love it. Once again, thanks to Saundra for the pattern. You can find that one ~ and many more ~ here.

I decided to do a little freebie cross stitch Marly (Samplers & Santas) had shown. The link to the chart by the Primitive Hare can be found here on her blog. It was such an easy stitch until I had to stitch with the white floss. I did way too much frogging because I just couldn't count the threads properly. Didn't have that problem with the darker colors. There is still one error I did not correct but I am quite certain no one will find it, but I KNOW IT IS THERE. Ugh. Stitched on a scrap of 30 or 32 count linen, the finished size is 3 7/8 x 3 1/4. Unlike Marly who fully finishes her cross stitch, mine will end up in a shoebox with other cross stitch that is not totally finished.

Last night I decided to start Nancy Agness McGlaughlin, a reproduction sampler I found in a 1988 Traditional American Crafts book. The chart did not list DMC floss number, just "blue" and "tan". After stitching for almost 2 hours I decided I did not like the blue I chose so frogged all of that. (Can you relate, Marly?) Maybe tonight I can try blue #2. I am a slow stitcher (still use the stab method) so this will be an ongoing project for quite some time.
And to Saundra . . . No. I have not started a new hooking project 😢
Christmas is almost down and hauled to the attic. I need help with the big tree. Every time I think I have found everything, another tree surfaces. Thursday my Fitbit went crazy and said I did 159 floors. Now I know that is not true, but I am sure I did at least 50. Thankfully it is a walk up attic!!!
Let the re-decorating begin. Then maybe, just maybe, I will have time to get something on my frame.
For my grammar nazi friends, I leave you with this.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊