Thursday, September 14, 2023

The Fat Lady ~

They say it ain't over until the fat lady sings.  I think she has sung, but I would not hold my breath 😂

I guess I must start at the beginning.  I have barely hooked in months, but finally dusted off my hook.  I took a class from Cathy Stephan back in May, and the rug I started, an antique adaptation, will be my largest rug to date.  As Saundra puts it, she likes to have a "plus one" to take a break from a major project.  I have many patterns in my stash, but not one I wanted to start.  This antique adaptation has been on my hooking bucket list for years.  

Normally I would enlarge it and put it on linen myself, but with the chaos I am living with, did not have a surface large enough to draw out a pattern.  Enter Saundra.  She offers that pattern in her shop, so told her I wanted to PURCHASE it from her.  She had the size I wanted (though she could have drawn smaller or larger).  When my pattern and invoice arrived, I was told she would not accept my check because she had it on "good authority" that I write bad checks.  She also would not accept payment via credit card because she had it on "good authority" I steal people's identity.  WTH???  There was one more smarmy comment about our "so called friendship" (we go back MANY years here in blogland) but I have lost the invoice so can't share that.  All I can say is THANK YOU, SAUNDRA.  THAT WAS MOST KIND OF YOU!!!  I VALUE OUR FRIENDSHIP 💕 Which leads to this post she made.  I felt so guilty she went to all that work and expense that I had to reciprocate.  She thinks she got the better end of the deal whereas I think I did.  

Here is the pattern drawn to my specs at 18" x 30".  All the little dashes are to help me with the color changes.  This will definitely be challenging for me.

I have not yet started 1890 Roosters, but I have made a little progress on Primitive Horse and Birds.  I finished one of the birds and have started on the branches.  (I didn't realize how off the color was until I uploaded it to the blog.  Hopefully next time I will do a better job!)

XOXO my friend.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊


Julia said...

A great story... I'm not a primitive rug hooker but I have always loved those roosters. They have such characters. I'm sure you'll do a fine job with it.

Saundra shared with me the story of this latest going back and forth between you two of you. I think you two are a great match because you are both on the same page. The only difference with who won this round is that Saundra got finished products and you have to finish the rug. I hope that you enjoy working on it.

Take care. We are bracing for the latest storm. We've had so much rain these last two days and more to come. 😨

Hugs, Julia

Samplings from Spring Creek said...

Nothing warms the heart more than the generosity of a friend.

TheCrankyCrow said...

Ahhh, so the rest of us get the "rest of the story." Love it. Both of you are generous to a of the many reasons you both are loved to pieces by so many. I once again feel as though I am herding cats with my stitching and hooking. EEK...start something, change gears, getting nowhere fast. ~Robin~

acorn hollow said...

I have not picked up a hook in months but I am taking a class from Michelle Palmer next month. It was so generous of her but then so are you always.

Jo said...

What a gift & special friendship for both of you!! I’ll enjoy watching your progress on The Two Roosters! I can’t wait to get back into hooking on my two rugs I started this summer.....after the “shows” are done! See you soon!

marly said...

What a nice gift. Good friends are a blessing. Love those chickies. May try to mimic in cross stitch.

Lori from Notforgotten Farm said...

Love your post! made me chuckle lol ~ I have a hooked version of the Roosters hanging in my bedroom. Did I hook it? no. do I love it? yes...I bought it is PA a few years ago, and it has moved from room to room but I love it in our bedroom the most. I hope you get as much enjoyment out of hooking yours, as I do waking to mine each morning! ~ and that Saundra.... she's a peach :)
Lori from Notforgotten Farm

Saundra said...

You have no idea how much fun I got out of telling the girls at camp about your 'snarky' blog post. I tried to comment from camp but the WiFi there was hit and miss and nothing could get thru. Hugs friend. Truly enjoyed your post and think people reading enjoy it too.
Was wonderful to get away and have a magnificent class with Caroline but was wonderful to see my driveway too.

Prims By The Water said...

I loved when Saundra sent me the Women on horseback pattern. She added lines on mine too. She did an awesome job on it and I would recommend getting her patterns all o the time. I like the horse you are doing right now, but then I usually love all of your rugs. Janice

NMK said...

You and Saundra have to meet face to face one day !!!!