Thursday, August 24, 2023

Sauder Rug Week - Part 2~

Last eve/night we had hellacious thunderstorms, the likes of which I don't remember.  For a short time, hail the size of large marbles.  On occasion with heavy rains, I'd get a bit of water in the basement.  Last night just before bed I went to see if there was any water.  Lots and lots of water in many areas.  My basement is always a disaster and thankfully most everything is in plastic tubs/totes.  I threw all my spare towels down and headed to bed . . . but hard to sleep while thinking about it.  I am one of the fortunate ones.  My basement is not "flooded", whereas so many in the city are and many are without power.

Enough of my whining and on to the rug show.

Celebrations 33 ~

Details . . . 

Julia . . . this one's for you 😃

How did the hooker capture the expression on that (great?) grands face?  Hooked from a photo.  Just priceless.

Main Exhibit ~ People/Places/Pictorial

Nice tatas 😁

Special Exhibit - Lift Every Voice

It is so hard to try to keep categories together when they wrap around to another panel.  I found another Kit and Tony rug.  Totally different colors than the others.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊


Saundra said...

Thanks for the show and I didn't have to drive there, lol. A lot of talented hookers and work I admired but wouldn't want to hook them. Those Galchutt designs are so detailed and would require such a floss size strip I'd never hook one.

NMK said...

Thank goodness your basement didn't get flooded ! Storms have been really bad this summer , torrential downpours and lots of wind .
Wow , your rug show from Sauder was just wonderful to see ! I am amazed the details that are hooked it is so fascinating . The little boy brushing his teeth , I would never think to hook that !!! LOL
Thanks for the rug show Lauren !!!

Sue Swank said...

Outstanding! I'm not very talented when hooking people, even primitive people. There's not very many primitive pieces, and those are my favorites.

Julia said...

Oh my. Some of those rugs are beyond words. Such details and quality. You are so fortunate to be able to go to the Sauder Village Rug Show. I would go crazy in there.

My basement didn't use to flood but since they put on the new roof and removed the gutters, my basement gets wet every strong downpour. The contractor friend who was supposed to supervise the installation of new siding died from a massive stroke and the rain gutters were never installed. Now my husband can't take on the job of putting on new siding. sigh. I have 2 dehumidifiers and two industrial fans to keep things dry in all the rain.
Thanks for the great rug show. I appreciate it so much.
Hugs, Julia

Prims By The Water said...

Yikes on the thunderstorms. So sorry to hear about the water in your basement. We dont have one, but need a sump pump for our crawl space. We are under a sever thunderstorm watch right now. I hate storms in the evening.

Once again, you took pictures of some amazing rugs! So many I liked. It would so be overwhelming to me, but so glad we can view these talented folks work of art through your eyes. Janice

marly said...

I don't think I've ever seen two posts as long. That's a lot of hooking. So many and all so different. I'm wondering for 700 pieces, how many states are included in the exhibits? Do the artists always attend or do some send their work for display alone?

TheCrankyCrow said...

Ok...another WOW. Isn't your phone's memory on overload about now? LOL. Once again, great photos and GREAT rugs! I don't even know where to begin. So, I will leave it at the one photo of the Celebrations rug with the guitar player? That's my friend Marilyn's rug...She's the one Cathy and I went down to "pay with" the beginning of the year. I got to see it in person (and before it was framed when she was up here at Cathy's but before it was framed.) More talent than I can ever even dream of. Glad your "seepage" was relatively minor. I know too well the awfulness of flooding. ~Robin~

TheCrankyCrow said... "PLAY" with...not "pay" with LOL. (Can't figure out why my "l" key sticks...couldn't be the chardonnay I spilled??)

Jane said...

So sorry about the basement. Many thanks for the pics. Great show!

Farm Girl said...

I am so sorry about the flooding. I am glad it wasn't bad as it could be.
My goodness, what a cute bunny.
I really loved this group of rugs.