Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Four Years Ago Today ~

We were heading out on my first motorcycle trip to Niagara Falls.  I was on the back of DSO's bike and my son was on his.  We made it less than 10 miles in to our trip, when stopped at a red light, we were rear ended by an SUV.

The Big Guy was smiling down and our Guardian Angels were watching out for us.  We had bumps and bruises but nothing was broken and we were able to walk away.  (Of course because it involved two "elderly" people we spent hours at the nearest trauma center.)  To this day we still talk about how lucky we were and that we are most thankful.  One must consider each day a blessing because you never know if it will be your last.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊


Sue Swank said...

We are blessed to have you still around.

Saundra said...

Yes! We should be thankful for each day and enjoy it as if it's our last. Tho I hope it isn't, lol.

Prims By The Water said...

I do remember this. So scary. Do you still ride? My daughter has now been in two motorcycle accidents and came out with a broken leg first time and road rash second time. She continues to ride and I continue to worry. Janice

Julia said...

I remember that accident and you are so right. I'm thankful that you are both still around and to read your blog. We have to count our blessings every day and be thankful. Life is so fragile.

One of my Motto is "A thankful heart is a joyful heart"


acorn hollow said...

So glad you were all fine. So scary

NMK said...

Thank goodness you both didn't get seriously injured . That would be the last time I ever got on a motorcycle .....my brother had one many years ago , I never liked riding it .