Sunday, January 28, 2024

Lesson Learned ~


My little needle felting class was fun, but I am now even more convinced needle felting is not for me.  We were felting a little "love nest".  I got one heart done . . . with the help of the teacher.  I was having difficulty getting the heart's "butt crack" to be defined enough.  The heart is about 1.5" tall and the nest about 3.25" in diameter.  The nest still needs more felting and another heart begun.  This took almost 3 hours!!!  I can't imagine how long it takes to make one of those very realistic animals some people felt.  I sense this will be a UFO for a while.

Progress is being made on Rudie.  He is great fun and so easy to hook, but even his most basic face has not yet been hooked.

So far . . . 

Roosters are still mia.  Thanks for all the suggestions on where they might be, but so far I have come up empty handed.  I was hoping I had taken the rug to the hooking shop and forgot it there.  Nope.  Not there either . . . sigh.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊


Julia said...

Hi Lauren, I'm sad that you still haven't found your Rooster rug. I'll pray to St Anthony of Padua and hope that he'll direct you to where the rooster rug is.

Even though felting is not your thing, you did a great job. My artist daughter does felting and she's amazing in that department but Felting just doesn't ring my bell.
I'll just admire other people's work.

We are back into mild temperatures. Take care.
Hugs, Julia

Prims By The Water said...

Whenever I lose something I pray to St Anthony. Youzers on spending that much time on the needlefelt project. It looks good, but not a craft for me. Dont have the patience for that. Janice

TheCrankyCrow said...

I think your nest and heart are coming along swimmingly. Yes, it is time-consuming and can be dangerous to one's fingers. The hooking on your Rudi is, as always, impeccably perfect. Dang you girl. How do you do that?? I had thought of trying to do a post but my stag looks so pathetic. Perhaps if I had not started it with the hickety pickety style last year, it wouldn't now be such a jumbled mess. In any event, it embarrasses me. ~Robin~

Saundra said...

Needle felting is not my thing either and also cannot believe the works some people post on FB of their artistic accomplishments.
Sorry the roosters haven't come home to roost. RUdi is looking great and you've accomplished more on yours than me on my stag.

Julia said...

Lauren, I got all caught up in your missing rug and I know how it would drive me crazy but I forgot to mention how great your Rudi rug is. I love your wool choices.

NMK said...

Hope your Rooster rug shows up ! Rudi looks great ! Needle Felting doesn't interest me , but some people can do amazing animals . My sister in law has a golden that does diving competitions and a woman needle felted him flying thru the air ! It is just incredible the detail ! Really something !

acorn hollow said...

Rudy is looking great but I am with you on the felting just could not get the hang of it.
I do hope you find your rug. My grandmother use to say "The devil has it and when he is done with it he will bring it back." I sure hope he brings it back soon.

marly said...

I love that nesting heart! Never understood needle felting but it sure is sweet. As is Rudie! said...

I appreciate needle felting but I don’t enjoy it and I certainly
would have no place to put it save on my Cmas tree. Rudi
is just the best! Her patterns are nice. Enjoy!

Lori from Notforgotten Farm said...

well your little love nest is adorable and I think you did great!
I haven't felted in a while myself, but i do know how difficult it is :)
Hoping your rug will come home to ROOST soon!
{love your progress on Rudie}