Monday, November 13, 2023

Not a Good Monday ~

The Samsung tech guy came this morning to replace my dishwasher door.  After a 68 day wait.  He proceeded to open the box and removed a white door.  But guess what?  Mine is a  stainless steel dishwasher.  That's not going to work now, is it?  How long before they come up with the correct door?  Hopefully not another 68 days.  But my "inconvenience" is nothing compared to my brother's.

I appreciate all the kind words and prayers regarding my brother's surgery that was scheduled for tomorrow.  Mid afternoon today he received a call that the surgery had been postponed due to an emergency surgery.  They rescheduled for December 4.  Holy hell!!!  Poor guy has to wait another three weeks when he had mentally prepared himself for tomorrow.  I feel so bad for him and his wife.  Three more weeks of stress.

Enough whining for today.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊


DUTA said...

Sorry for your 'Bad Monday', especially for your brother's postponed surgery.
We all have sometimes these kind of bad days. Hopefully, It'll pass and everthing will get successfully solved.

Saundra said...

That delay in surgery is a major stresser for you and the family. So now this is something hovering over him for almost another month. HOLY HELL.
Also sad you don't have your dishwasher issue resolved but think you got really good at handwashing dishes for the last 20 plus years. Sorry, I know it isn't funny to you because your kitchen still isn't complete.

Lori from Notforgotten Farm said...

nope, white door, stainless washer. nope again.
sorry to hear of your brother's surgery delay...peter has been waiting for almost 6 mos for a surgery apt. for carpal tunnel.

NMK said...

Sorry you had a bad Monday ....that is awful about your dishwasher door !!!
Your poor Brother !!!Would have been nice to have the surgery before Thanksgiving ! Hope they can do it sooner ....our medical system is terrible these days

Julia said...

Talk about being put on the back burner. About the white dishwasher door for a stainless steel dishwasher. What incompetence! Someone needs to return to school to learn to read. sish!

I'm so sorry about the rescheduling of your brother's heart surgery. Three weeks is a long time when you're waiting.

The same thing happened to my granddaughter's partner. He was scheduled to have a back operation after waiting for over a year to see a specialist in another city, They drove there for the tests, etc, and then waited for a long time to be called for the operation. They finally got the call and arrived at the hospital because someone didn't mention that he had MS, the anesthetist refused to give him anesthetic and they had to make another appointment at a larger hospital to have more tests to see if he could tolerate the anesthetic. More waiting. Finally, they got called and the operation took place last week. He's doing well. He hasn't been able to work for over a year and they have three kids.

I'll keep praying for your brother.

TheCrankyCrow said...

Well crap on a cracker. Both events totally stink. Your dishwasher is beginning to sound like my nightstands nightmare. It took over 2 years to get the correct ones....they were backordered, then sent to the wrong place, then sent in the wrong color, then sent damaged... Stop the madness! And I get an "emergency" doesn't give you much warning but yikes, to find out the afternoon before is crazy. Hope the next 3 weeks pass quickly for him. ~Robin~

primdollie said...

Wow that truly sucks about your dishwasher door! We’re still waiting for the class action lawsuit against our refrigerator to get a new one or something since our ice maker doesn’t work! Plus your poor brother oh my how awful he has to now wait! Thankful he’s no emergency! Well hope the dishwasher door shows up soon! Hang in there dear! We all know “ this too shall pass “ ������

Prims By The Water said...

UGH on both your door and brothers surgery. Hope the weeks pass quickly for your brother. It is not easy to prepare and then postpone major surgery. It happened to my dad once so I know how he felt. Janice

acorn hollow said...

Oh no I am so sorry for your brother.
68 days for a door I feel your pain we had to wait 7 weeks for a shower stall.

marly said...

Well, the good news is ... your brother is not the emergency. Let's hope it stays that way.

Sorry about the door panel.