Monday, November 6, 2023

Hooking Faces ~

I do not do good hooking even the most primitive of faces.  Well, that goes for rooster faces, too.  I am reverse hooking rooster #1's face and have not yet started on face #2.  

Overall, progress is moving along.  Hooking in the blotchy, primitive looking way is not easy for me, but I am trying!!!  Saundra always makes it look so easy.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Tomorrow is voting day in Ohio.  Please exercise your right to vote.  One vote can make a difference.
Pug hugs 😊


TheCrankyCrow said...

Well, since I can't see what No. 1's face looked like the first go-round, I can't comment on your ability to hook rooster faces LOL. But, I do know that despite your protestations, it will be hooked perfectly, as will No. 2's. You're your own worst critic...and enemy. I get the blotchy background not coming naturally - I saw a hooked crow rug a bit back and absolutely fell in love with it. But, upon closer scrutiny, I saw the very antique willy-nilly manner in which was hooked and the secret to its charm and knew it wasn't an effect I'd every be able to master. If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.... ~Robin~

NMK said...

I Love the colors & how you are hooking this ! I really like how you get loops to go in a different direction ....adds so much detail to it ! And looks so nice and old !!!

Julia said...

Like Robin, I can't remember what the face looked like before. It looked great to me the first time I saw it. Those roosters are really strutting their stuff.
I know that It's going to be perfection. These roosters really command attention, me think. I know that they will be absolutely wonderful.

Man, it gets dark early now. I just wish that they would leave time alone.


acorn hollow said...

I am sure we are our own worst critic. Your hooking is wonderful.
No voting here yet.

marly said...

I'm sure those birds will be wonderful. They already are without faces!
We were surprised at the number of people voting today in PA. Very few seats to fill, yet good turnout.

Prims By The Water said...

We had nothing on our ballot yesterday, but I knew you had quite a few things to vote on. Knowing how you hook, these faces will look good in the end. Janice

Saundra said...

Okay, the comment I couldn't make at camp.... I didn't see anything wrong with the way it was hooked in the first place. But if it makes you happy to start over it's okay with me.