Friday, November 10, 2023

The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men ~



Sometimes nothing goes as planned.  After waiting 2+ months for a replacement door for the dishwasher that arrived dented, the part had finally arrived and was to be installed today.  BUT . . .  the technician called off.  ARGH 😡  So they could reschedule for Monday.  Of course they can't give you a time and I had a dentist appointment scheduled.  Hopefully I got it worked out to have DSO here in case they come while I am gone.  I just want the new door.  I am tired of the run around from Samsung.

Progress has been made on my 1890 Rooster rug (thank you Saundra!).

Creative time will most likely come to a screeching halt soon, though I am still hoping to make a few gifts.  It is all self inflicted so I have no one to blame but myself.  

My brother is having open heart surgery on Tuesday.  Please keep him in your prayers.  I have very little family and he is the only sibling I am close to.

My Las Vegas son is coming home for Thanksgiving and will be home for a week.  It has been years since he has been home for that long.  I think he is as excited as I am since last year his flight at Christmas was cancelled.  His girlfriend will also be flying out and joining us for a few days.

As Thanksgiving approaches I have much to be thankful for.  I know I am a day early for Veterans' Day, but I am especially thankful for our veterans.  May God bless them.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊


NMK said...

We have Samsung appliances , a stove & microwave ...they are made so cheap ! The handle of the microwave came right off ! One burner on the stove had to be replaced & now the darn clock doesn't make a complete number ! What the heck !!!
Will be so nice to have you son visit for Thanksgiving . My brother had heart surgery a few years ago & has felt great ! Good Luck to him.
Love the shades of reds & mauves in you rug !! Pretty !!!

Saundra said...

My septic company came out today as scheduled but my HVAC was a no-show. But am very HAPPY it wasn't the septic guy who was the no-show.
Roosters are looking great,just need the eyes. Remember it is an antique adaptation not supposed to be a photographic image.
How wonderful your son with have a full week with you. Guess you'll be filling him up with lots of pumpkin rolls. Don't forget the salt, lol.

acorn hollow said...

Very thankful for our veterans!
Love your roosters.
How exciting to have your son and girlfriend for a week!
Keeping your brother in my prayers

JustGail said...

Hope all goes well with your brother. And your son's flight.

Julia said...

Dear Lauren, this is a stressful time for you and I'll hold your brother in my prayers for a successful operation and quick recovery.

I'm sorry about the long delay with the dishwasher door replacement. It has taken an awful long time. I think that Samsung company is so big and makes so much money that they really don't care about their customers.

I'm glad that you'll have your son visit for Thanksgiving. I send a salute to your, and our veterans today for all their unselfish services to our countries for our freedom. We can never take them for granted, especially when our freedom is being eroded at break-neck speed.

You're doing a great job on those roosters and you're at the finish line. I love those colors.

Hugs, Julia

TheCrankyCrow said...

Your roosters are looking amazing! They look like the perfect specimens of the proverbial "fighting cocks." Love them! Prayers for your brother's successful surgery. They have come so far these days with that procedure that I'm certain he'll come through with flying colors. A good friend of ours died on Tuesday night of a massive heart attack while hunting. So sad...he was only in his 50's...healthy, active and no hint of heart issues. He used to stay with us during race seasons and Mason adored him. I know Mason was there with Miss Piggy to show him around the place. Lucky you to have your son and his gf home for the holiday. Like MD said, don't forget the salt! 2😂 Good luck with the replacement door....This will be the 3rd winter without my fireplace. I finally played the attorney card. They were completely unfazed. What the heck is happening to our world? (Rhetorical question..I have a few good ideas.) ~et~

marly said...

Please let us know how your brother does after surgery. Will keep him in thoughts and prayers.
How great that LV son is coming in for a week!

WoolenSails said...

Your rooster rug is coming along beautifully, love the vintage look. Appliances never seem to last and our dishwasher is driving me nuts, so one of these days, I will have to find a replacement. Prayers being said for your brother, it is hard, as we are all getting older and our siblings, are too.


Prims By The Water said...

Prayers for your brother. Hope all goes well. Glad your sin will be having Thanksgiving with you and I do remember his Christmas plans were changed. Hopefully this time he will be there enjoying some well spent time with you. Loving your rug too. Janice