Sunday, November 12, 2023

Junk Journaling ~

I'd heard of junk journaling but really hadn't much of a clue about it.  Holy moly!  There are You Tube videos, websites, magazines, etc.  Our local hooking store (thank you, Connie!) hosted a free class where I met up with Sue of Vernon Junction.  Some of you may know Primdollie from Facebook or Primitive Handmade Mercantile.  She is uber talented.  I don't thing there is anything she doesn't excel at.  She showed us many examples, offered us fun stuff to use in a journal and got us started.  She had a couple old damaged crazy quilts that she brought for us to cut up and use.  Here is the start to my junk journal.  Not sure if I will figure out how to work on the signature pages (the pages inside the book) before the next class in December.

Of course I failed to take any pictures, but check out Sue's blog post.  She shared lots of fun pictures.

Weather-wise, living close to Lake Erie is advantageous in the fall.  Since lake water temperatures go down slowly, the winds coming across the lake cause us to be a bit warmer.  Here it is, almost mid November, and we have not yet had a hard freeze.  This morning there was a frost, but I still have a few things blooming in the yard 😁.  You will get no complaints from me.  (Obviously I cannot photograph red flowers!)

Friend Melissa gifted me this begonia in remembrance of Miss Molly back in April.  It is close to the house and still blooming strong.

Happy Sunday.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊


NMK said...

Love your journal just as it is !!! Neat old pieces of pretty fabrics ! I can't do another craft !!! LOL

TheCrankyCrow said...

How very lucky of you to be able to take a class with PrimDollie! You are so right, she is UBER talented. Cathy has a few of her pieces that I've tried to steal a few times but was caught LOL. I also have to tuned in to PHM many (too) many times in the hopes of getting one of her pieces but the internet here in Nod lags behind the rest of the world and I am always too late. Her bears are the cutest. I'm sure your journal will be amazing like everything you do. I've been tempted a time or two to get into it but I don't need another hobby or another reason to "collect" bits and bobs of every I will enjoy vicariously. Pretty blooms. I had a very similar trailing begonia on my front porch this year but it's been gone for months now already. Althought today was unseasonably temperate, it was windy so not particularly enjoyable....and yesterday we had snow. Again. ~Robin~

acorn hollow said...

I have seen it before bit never took the plunge. It looks like a great start.
We have had a frost and my fairy roses are still blooming

Saundra said...

Many moons ago I purchased lots of papers, ink stamps and old books at the thrift shop to do decoupage book journaling. Even purchased a booklet on how to do it which I may have survived my purging from the craft room. Obviously I never got around to doing it despite my plans. You will probably have more success since you took a class.

Lori from Notforgotten Farm said...

well THAT sounds like a fun class!!! Primdollie comes up with wonderful things! loe her handmades <3 I started a few junk journals like 2 years ago...but haven't touched them since. I have quite the collection {hoarder that I am} of JUNK! LOL

marly said...

MyPorchPrints on Etsy offers a large variety of downloads to print and create fabulous junk journals. Love that stuff. No, I haven't ordered any yet because I can't decide which.

That begonia is wonderful. My ferns have blackened fronds, they look magical.

Prims By The Water said...

WOW nice to see blooms still out in all their color. Never heard of a junk journal. TFS Janice

primdollie said...

Aww thanks my dear friend but you’re much too kind to say I’m uber talented but I sure do appreciate you thinking I am! So glad you came and hope we can get you into some junk journaling too! Always fun to try new things! Too funny my pansies all still blooming and we have had a very hard frost! Even saw a sweet rose on one of my miniature rose bushes that have survived! Thanks dear and looking forward to seeing you soon and next month some more junk journaling fun! Xoxo