Saturday, September 28, 2024

Maria Barton Class ~

GREAT FUN!!!  If you ever have the opportunity to take a class with Maria, go for it.  She has many great patterns that can be found in her Etsy shop.  She is full of good ideas and shared many tips.

Here are some of the rugs she brought to share with us.

Fun binding finish.

Hooked with handtorn strips.

Isn't she sweet?

Remember back in 2021 when Saundra hosted an alternative textile rug challenge?  Maria decided to join in and this is what she hooked.  It was hooked almost entirely with t-shirts!!!  I think she said she added a bit of wool yarn but absolutely NO wool strips.  It was hard to tell that it was hooked with them.  She shared tips on how she cut the fabric and what fabrics could be used.  It really was very cool.  You can read more about the challenge here.

And a few of Maria's alternative, fun finishes.

These little cuties were about 3-4" square.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Next post I will share the rug throw down.
Pug hugs 😊


Saundra said...

I was so honored when Maria joined in the challenge and loved her results. Hers was definitely more hand friendly than the woven cotton you and I used. Enjoyed the rug so lots! She does have some cute patterns.

NMK said...

That challenge by Saundra was fun , but Maria did an amazing job !!! She has lots of great patterns , I have done a few of hers !