Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Twenty Three Years Ago ~




Saundra said...

Hard to believe it was that many years ago. And sadly our America is in more danger of that happening again with the staggering influx of illegals that Biden/Harris welcomed in. And the left wants to defund or cut resources to ICE, Homeland Security, Police, etc. Insane.

Maureen said...


TheCrankyCrow said...

Amen... one hundred fold.... ~Robin~

Leonora said...

May God Bless our dear country. Our ancestors fought so bravely to preserve its values and freedoms.

Prims By The Water said...

May we NEVER forget. God Bless America. I fear it will happen again sooner than we think. Janice

Julia said...

Hard to believe it's been that long indeed but it's still fresh in my memory. God helps us all. Hugs.