Tuesday, September 17, 2024

This Too Shall Pass ~

The insanity called my life.  Truth be told, I bring it upon myself 😖

I am co-chair of Crooked River's hook in.  I feel my co-chair has done the bulk of the work and to make matters worse, my son's girlfriend's dad passed away a couple weeks ago and they are having a celebration of life this Saturday, late morning, the day of the hook in, and of course it is an hour+ away from the venue.  (That sentence must be an English teacher's worst nightmare!)  I am hoping I can make it to the hook in sometime early in the afternoon.  On top of everything, I am also a vendor but thankfully have friends who will man the booth.  (I guess I am not being woke . . . lol!)

This Thursday and Friday, Kris Miller (Spruce Ridge Studios), is teaching a 2 day class for the guild and of course I could not pass up such a great teacher.  I have had her several times in the past and am looking forward to having her again.  She tells THE BEST stories.  The pattern I have chosen is different than I normally choose.  It is a pattern by Ann Willey, offered by Kris, and titled Yellow Bird, measuring 24" x 32 1/4".  I am going to wish I chose a smaller pattern . . . sigh.       


So in addition to doing some odds & end for the hook in and getting items made for vending, I have also been working on consignment items for Kris' rug camp in October.  Here are the pumpkins and snowguys I got done.  They take much longer than they appear to take.  (Ugh.  Washed out colors as usual.)

AND!!!  Last year since I was in the midst of my kitchen/bath remodel, I did not get my Halloween stuff out.  I am currently knee deep in Halloween boxes.  No one should have this many decorations.

Then the day after the hook in I volunteered to work a pug event for Ohio Pug Rescue, well over an hour away.  I don't think I have been to a pug event since pre-Covid.

In a previous post I mentioned a family matter that had come up.  A close family member went to the ER a couple weeks ago with what was thought to be a kidney stone and left a few days later with a probable cancer diagnosis.  Surgery was performed yesterday and now it's the waiting game to find out the biopsy results.  Please keep this family member in your prayers.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊


Saundra P said...

A quick read of one blog and back to the hooking salt mine. Praying for a good
result by the doctor. Will check Robins post later today during another quick break.

NMK said...

You certainly have a very busy schedule !!! I Love your cute matts , they should sell like Hot Cakes !!! I can't wait to see how you hook your new project with Kris Miller ...Yellow Bird . Hope you can enjoy the hooking class and sell all your cute items !
Pray your family member will be ok .