Saturday, September 7, 2024

The Best Laid Plans . . .

. . . sometimes fall apart.  If you have been reading my blog long, you know that I am the master procrastinator.  Most unusual, but by Thursday afternoon I was about 95% ready to head out Friday morning to vend in Indiana.  It wasn't meant to be.  A family matter came up that was more of a priority than vending.  Good thing my vending stuff doesn't go bad.  Thank you for all the vending good wishes.  There will be other opportunities.

I leave you with a bit of humor.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊


NMK said...

Oh hope your family is safe and ok ....well at least you have a lot done for your next vending show

Saundra said...

Sometimes life gives us different priorities and roads to travel. And you are a little ahead of the game next vending opportunity.

Maureen said...

My hope is your family matter is handle-able and as friends above me have said, you will be all set for your next vending opportunity. Lol, thank you for the cute doggie chuckle. My family has been off kilter for a few weeks now so I really appreciate every opportunity to laugh. Take care

Prims By The Water said...

Hope all is well. Sometimes things happen for a reason I say. Love the joke. Janice

JustGail said...

Well, I guess at least you're ahead of preparations for the next vending event? I hope it's nothing too terribly wrong that you have to deal with instead.
Cute joke - that dog doesn't look the least bit sorry either.

TheCrankyCrow said...

Your priorities are in the right is your heart. ~Robin~

acorn hollow said...

family first and cute funny at the end.

Julia said...

Family always should come first and you did the right thing. I hope that it's nothing too serious. You'll have more to vend next time.

Take care, hugs.

Jan Hebert said...

As everyone has mentioned, family first. Hope all is well. Jan in MA