Sunday, September 1, 2024

Whole Lotta Nothin' ~

I know it really isn't, but to me Labor Day signals the end of summer 😢.  I am never ready for summer to end, but the cooler temps in our forecast are most welcome.

The other morning on my walk thru the rose garden at Lakeview Park, roses were still beautiful.

But then I saw this.  

Also on my walk, I noticed this.  I guess I need to be more observant!  

My tree lawn was hydro seeded last week and the deer have decided to walk thru the dirt and leave "deer divots" 😡 

Driving last week I looked at my odometer and saw this 😁.  I do hope my car is like the Energizer bunny and keeps going and going and going!

I know other bloggers are having issues with comments coming thru as "no reply" bloggers.  I have been fortunate to not yet have that issue, but Maureen, if you have tried to correct it, you have been unsuccessful as you are still a no reply.  Send me your email and I will be happy to respond to you directly.

Like I said, this post was a whole lotta nothin'!!!

I leave you with this food for thought.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊


Betty said...

Sometimes nothin is a whole lot of something.

Prims By The Water said...

That Socialism bit is the gosh darndest truth. Hopefully the voters will realize it come November. Those roses sure are a beauty. Janice

Saundra said...

Pretty flowers, dirty legs, lol. Am hoping people do wake up and realize which years were the best and those years were when orange man was in office.

TheCrankyCrow said...

I always find your tidbits of nothing interesting...except I'm puzzling over those feet/legs. Those are yours??? Should we be concerned??? ;-) ~Robin~

moosecraft said...

Yep.... now that it is cooler, I spent the entire day in the yard! Loved every minute of it! What's wrong with your right foot being newer than your left? lol!

moosecraft said...

One more thing... I had a youtuber remind me of the Ronald Regan ad that would apply today... Reagan said... "While your standing at the poles and getting ready to cast your vote...ask yourself.... are you better today than you were 4 years ago?".... Reagan said it better than what I wrote...