Thursday, September 5, 2024

Last Minute Finishes ~

Just finishing up a few things for vending.  Heading out before the crack of dawn tomorrow to vend at Woolkeepers in Danville, IN, a 5+ hour drive.  The previous promoter sadly passed away a few years ago, and I have heard the hook in is not what it used to be.  I am soon to find out.  I just don't understand why people don't promote their events when it is free to do so on Facebook.

These darn pumpkins on antique coverlet pieces are much more work than they appear . . . or maybe I am just slow.  (Ugh.  The colors are so washed out but I don't have time to try again 😟)

Little pinkeeps on antique paisley and coverlet . . . not something I enjoy making.  I am not much of a sewer.  I just need to find a few things to make other than my silverplate jewelry.  I have been selling it for so many years that many have already purchased it.

Don't your just love this little dovetailed box with heart escutcheon?  When purchased, the lid was long gone.

Today's list is long so I'd better get back to it!!!

I leave you with this little funny.  "See" you next week.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊


Sue Swank said...

Good thing I have little dogs.

NMK said...

Love your cute coverlet pieces !!! Good Luck !!!

Saundra said...

All of your handiwork is perfectly executed!!! And frankly I find any applique tedious with those stitches. I did a penny mat one time and hated every time the needle went into the fabrics. Of course my stitches weren't perfect which was like rubbing salt into my wound. Good luck with your sale since it is such a looong drive.

acorn hollow said...

you are always so productive. I hope it is a wonderful hook in and you have lots of wonderful sales.

TheCrankyCrow said...

It'd take me a lifetime to make enough things to vend LOL. I love anything your hands make but I am especially in love with those little paisley pinkeeps... Still on my paisley kick I think. That funny is hysterical. ~Robin~

Prims By The Water said...

Thanks for the funny! Good luck at the event. Hope you sell out. Janice

Julia said...

I know, I'm coming around backward, because I'm so behind, lol...
Your creations are always done so well done. That's the best dog joke I've read in a while. I have to share my doggie experience today regarding dog poop...

This afternoon I was on our front porch talking to George when a very nice lady walked up to us and told us that her dog and pooped on the road in front not far from our house and was wondering if she could get a plastic bag to pick up the poop as she had forgotten to bring baggies with her and she didn't want to leave that mess on the road. Her teenage son stayed with the dog while she searched our neighborhood for a plastic bag.

She said that it was so nice to bike on our street because it's by the river and that she and her son bike every day in our area. She also admires my flowers every time they go by. I told her that she could have as many perennials as she wanted in the spring as I have way too many. She was very happy.
After cleaning up after her dog, she came back and introduced herself and her son and told us where they lived up the road. It was such a pleasure to meet such responsible people. Take care, hugs.