Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Hairy Balls ~

So I get to the hook in early Saturday afternoon and this was sitting on my table.  

Everyone is laughing and telling me they are hairy balls.  Well . . . come to find out hairy balls (gymnocarpus physocarpa) are a type of milkweed.  We all got a good laugh.  Thank you, Mitsuko😁 Hoping I can save the seeds and perhaps get them to grow next year.

The only picture I took at the hook in was my booth after setup.

Day 1 of my Maria Barton class is done.  I am hooking the small version of Ezra's Farm.  It is only 22' x 19.5".  Two sizes can be found in her Etsy shop.  (This is Dru Ann Jeffries punch needle version.)

Here is my pathetic progress so far, but I am not that much of a slacker because I did not get to meet with Maria one on one until early afternoon.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊


acorn hollow said...

Well I love your title lol You made me laugh.
Your set up looks great I hope you did a lot of selling.

Saundra said...

While the 'hairy balls' photo didn't do much for sales, I do understand the flower has loads of natural benefits.
Yeah, hooking progress suffers the lower in the list of students we are. Looking forward to your next post. How many days is this class?

TheCrankyCrow said...

Ha ha...! I LOVE your hairy balls! If you're successful in growing them, please save me some seeds!! Your booth looks great!! Swooning over those paisleys you're using as table covers! I also love your start on Ezra's Farm - another wonderful design. I don't think I'd do well taking a class and waiting that long for the teacher to spend time with me. I'm kinda needy that way. Thankfully Cathy puts up with me. ;-) ~et~

Maureen said...

(Sheesh! I posted this comment on an older post of yours. Hope my whole day doesn’t go like this 😬. So I’m copying and pasting it here in the right spot.)Your booth is very pretty! Love your skellies and the coverlet/pumpkins/snowmen are wonderful! You were right,the colors in your other pictures of them did wash them out. And they are a wonderful size. Have fun dear lady!!

SEPTEMBER 26, 2024 AT 7:34 AM

Andrea said...

Dare I say it ..... you're going to grow a pair???
Sorry/Not Sorry
On a serious note, your display, as always, looks great.

Prims By The Water said...

Never seen those green balls before. Interesting. At first I thought they were osages. U did not realize your coverlet projects were that big. Hope you sold out. That is a wonderful rug you are working on. I absolutely love all of those colors! Janice

NMK said...

Those are funny green balls !!! Never saw or head of those before !
Love your booth , lots of neat treasures , hope you sold A Lot !!! Your Snowman matts are so cute !!!
Dru Ann's designs are so pretty ....your start looks great , love your colors and hers !