Thursday, June 22, 2023

Yard Stuff ~

The yard is looking pretty good if I do say so myself, but lots of deadheading to do!  As you know, if you somehow get caught up, it is time to start over 😁

The Stella d'oros are starting to bloom.

Walking down by the lake the other morning, this great blue heron was sitting at the end of this little pier.  As I tried to get closer to get a picture, he took off.

I had my mammogram today.  Gotta take care of those tatas!  I have been going every 6 months to have a mammo plus an ultrasound of the right breast.  There was a cyst they have been watching.  Great news . . . the cyst is gone so I don't have to go back for a year.  Today's mammo though . . . OUCH!!!  Only one other time, decades ago, have I had such a painful one and I believe it was the same tech.  She has been there forever.  I swear she must have popped it!!!  Next week two doctor appointments ~ just annual checks.  I am thankful I have good insurance.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊


NMK said...

Oh that is good news the cyst is gone !!! I don't know why the techs who do this aren't more gentle last visit the woman was so gentle & quick . I told her I wish the techs were all like her !!! I kept Thanking her over & over .
Your gardens are looking very pretty !

TheCrankyCrow said...

Oh my about gobsmacking!! Your yard - and your photos are GORGEOUS! I've always said I wanna come wander your house - but amend that to wander your house AFTER wandering your yard. I love all the little accoutrements too (including our twinning whirl-a-gigs). You have a figt for incorporating them perfectly and so artfully. Me, I put stuff in and it looks like I'm hauling things out for a garage sale I swear. Your jackmani stops me in my tracks every year. I've planted them 3x and 3x they didn't come back for whatever reason. And yet my other one has come back for years. Yippee yay on the cyst news!!! I hope you plan on celebrating. ~Robin~

Prims By The Water said...

We see herons every day by the river. So cool you saw one! Your gardens look 1000% better than mine right now. Good news on the cyst as well. Janice

Saundra said...

It was a heron feeding at my fish pond which inspired my ex to build a retractable fence cover for it. Luckily the pond and its required daily work has been removed.

I have fibrocystic breasts and it hurts every time I have a mammogram. Naturally I dread every year when time comes around but have it done for health reasons. Besides, Medicare takes care of those costs, thankfully. Glad your cyst disappeared.

Julia said...

The last Mamogram I got I let go a big "Ouch" I only got one to check so they think that I must get their money's worth.

You have so many interesting old objects in your yard but I don't see your colorful bottles anymore. Are they still there? Your Jackmani Clematis is gorgeous. Mine is still not in bloom. I've been weeding and there no end in sight as the weeds are so tall with all the rain.

Take care and enjoy your beautiful yard.
Hugs, Julia

acorn hollow said...

Your gardens are lovely my stella's are all budded but not blooming yet.
Glad your cyst is gone and yes it hurts but it is so important.
Cathy said...

A vanished cyst?! That would make my year. Hurray! Clematis are divine. Wow. Always thought it sounded like a woman’s body part 🙄

WoolenSails said...

Your gardens look wonderful, I have a few places with flowers, but not the lush gardens like I wanted. Herons seem to hate being watched, usually they will fly off, but sometimes I get lucky and they are more interested in fishing. I am glad you got rid of your cyst. I have problems with them, more of a nuisance and I have had a few that just went away on their own.


marly said...

My Stella D'Oro are cookies. No weeding involved. You have such a knack for display inside and it spills over to the outside.