Sunday, June 18, 2023

Close . . .

But as the saying goes . . . no cigar.

I had high hopes of finishing Treetop Birds in Millersburg.  Hard to believe that I hooked for two days and did not finish it.  It should not take much longer 😁  I am to the point I just want to git 'er done!!!  I just have a little of the top and bottom border to finish.

Only took a couple pictures.  Lighting was terrible.  So sorry for the washed out pictures.

Ready for the final binding step.  (Guess who, Saundra.)

Hooked in the online values class with Katie Hartner.  I have heard from several it is well worth the money, but just a little rich for my blood.  Maybe one day . .

Vicki is always the overachiever!  Such a fast hooker.  She hooked this in less than 3 days . . . just didn't have the wool with her to hook the sunflower center.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊


Saundra said...

Know exactly how you feel when you just "want to git 'er done". We might have enjoyed every loop but come on already, I'm over it, lol. It's looking good and hope you show us the real Finish after binding.
Lemme guess... that Glouster was hooked by Tanya. She never disappoints.

marly said...

Almost! Why do we get antsy when we're close to a completion? Some stitchers feel sad when a favorite piece comes to a close. I celebrate with cake and ice cream. Adios!!

Julia said...

Your Treetop Birds rug looks great. Too bad you couldn't get it all done but I know you're not a slacker. You're almost done. I look forward to seeing the finished product.

I love the value rug. I love the colors. I had a chance of getting some lessons in value hooking from one of our certified teachers recently but couldn't spare the time. I think the class was around $75 can.

I hope that you take the time for a little break before summer is over. Time is slipping by faster than I like.

Prims By The Water said...

WOW that is some fast hooking for sure. I love your treetop birds...but always love your rigs. :-) Janice

acorn hollow said...

Oh almost finished. I like all the other rugs. I love those events it always gets you excited to do other things
Cathy said...

Your two mat shots look like gorgeous hooking and colours. My completed fav is that first mat. Super design and colour-play.
Between costs of gas/flights, hotel, plus workshop fees, most camps are way above my budget line too. There is a lot of talent amongst fellow hookers too. I like a plain old hook-in best.

Farm Girl said...

What a lovely rug!! its so nice to see what you have been working on.
Its really a lovely rug.
I have been gone seeing our kids since May. I haven't picked up a hook in so long.
Its so nice to stop by and see what you have been doing.
I hope to update soon.

Farm Girl said...

I noticed that we have a check box to email comments now, so I was enabling it on your site. I hope it works like it used to in the old days.

TheCrankyCrow said... actually HOOK when you go to these things?? 😂 You are close...and I know you're OCD enough to gitter done quickly. Love that Glouster rug! Nothing I would hook, but it sure is purdy to look at. Glad you are still alive...and hopefully well. ~Robin~

NMK said...

I just Love the colors of wool use have used in your rug ,it's just Beautiful !!!

I have heard Katie Hartner's value class is a " Must take ! " from a friend who took a class years ago ....The Glouster rug is gorgeous !!!

Lori from Notforgotten Farm said...

your hooking is always so beautiful!!
{{{ I'm chuckling at Cranky Crow's comment about actually hooking at retreats lol}}}