Monday, June 26, 2023

Why I Sometimes Get NOTHING Done ~

Yes, Sue, I occasionally "play" more than I should.  If I play two days in a row that is unusual, but three days???  I must say I am loving life 😁

Friday was off to two antique shops, one a mall and one a small shop loaded to the gills.  I didn't find much at the mall (that I was willing to spend $$ on) but did get a little vintage (?) table riser.  At the small shop I found two treasures.  A sauce boat to add to my feather edge collection . . . 

. . . and a 2 1/2 inch tall Peaseware container.  The little finial has a chip so the price was affordable.  I did not even notice the roughness on the bottom until I saw in the picture.  It is not noticeable in person and I just turned it around so you don't see the flaws.

The piece to the right on the bottom shelf and on the top shelf marked St. Louis Exposition 1904 are also Peaseware.

The small shop is Wm. Hromy Antiques.  If you are ever in the north east-ish Ohio area, his shop is a must stop. His gardens are breathtaking.  His yard is very shady . . . lots of hostas and other shade loving plants.  So many concrete cats!  Heavy moss on some items.  And antique grindstones.  Dozens and dozens.  Some are propped up.  Some used as path pavers.  Two antique feeding troughs are now fountains.  I should have taken more pictures!!!

I am a big fan of junk for the garden, so did find a number of treasures.  One day I purchased the rusty old funnel and then I bought this plant stand (the butterflies will be hidden in plants and not seen).  Nothing great and the only thing I had that fit in the opening was the funnel.  I also got part of a weathervane.  Thankfully DSO is very handy and will add a pipe to put in the ground.  Picture later 😄

Happy Monday!  I hope your week is off to a good start.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊


Sue Swank said...

Y'all need to understand this. When I met Lauren she told me, "I hardly ever go anywhere". But then we read her blog and she goes here, and she goes there. Yeah, I give her a good rubbing about it

Sue Swank said...

Should have been ribbing.

Lori from Notforgotten Farm said...

love your peasware Lauren!
I haven't been to an antique shop in you've got me wanting to go spend time in a few!

Saundra said...

Well, as the saying goes.... 'been there done that'. Now I don't want to spend money on gas unnecessarily nor do I want to buy more stuff which my family would give to the thrift shop. But hey, it's your retirement and should enjoy each day how you wish. BUT, better not read your whining about how you didn't accomplish much on your rugs, lol.

NMK said...

I have never seen your pretty little gravy boat with the blue featherd design , I Love it !!! And your wonderful collection of peasware !!!
Those gardens look lovely !
We have get out for a Play Day !!!!

Penny said...

I love garden “junk” as well!! It adds just the right amount of character!! Of course, I have been putting up with a bit of teasing from the workers who are here to re-side my house (what do they know anyway? and the usual comment from my brother who likes to say that I take perfectly good items, bury them in the backyard, then dig them up after a while to hang on my walls and put in my yard!) I do ignore them all!!

marly said...

Of course you are getting things done. Hunting for treasures! Oh that peaseware. I saw the video about that shop and others in Ohio that look really nice (would love to visit Cluttered Coop). I visited two (now closed) years ago and was followed very closely every step, couldn't turn around without bumping them.

Prims By The Water said...

Yes I had heard of his shop. We will see if it fits in as we are headed the other way after Seville. Will see though. Grrr on a timeline that day. Great items you found to add to your collections too! Janice

Julia said...

I took a tour of this antique shop through a video online and I saw your feather edge gravy boat. The video was done in the winter but there was a tour of the yard too.

I think that you cram a lot into every day. Between hooking at home and at hook-ins and pulling weeds from the gardens, you manage to do a lot. Life is not about always producing rugs but balancing life with other pleasurable events like antique hunting. You should be able to open your own antique shop with all the antiques and vintage stuff you have.

Enjoy your new treasures.
Hugs, Julia

TheCrankyCrow said...

I haven't been to an antique shop in??? Too long for my memory these days. We only have one left in the area...a "mall" of sorts - but last time I was there, there wasn't a single thing that I wanted to bring home...and THAT is a sad, sad, statement. Love your two new additions - and your new piece of garden "junk." That garden You would have had to make arrangements to pick me up later in the week. The older I get, the more I love gardens... Unfortunately, the less able I am to tend to my own little patch of earth. ~Robin~

acorn hollow said...

I say keep it up and enjoy every minute you are away playing. Love your finds show us after you have planted your funnel