Friday, July 12, 2024

Shady Spot ~

My days seem to evaporate in to thin air.  Not much has been accomplished in any area of my life and hooking has been especially slow.  I was never happy with the bright blue flowers.  

I had planned to try to tone the wool down, but it was suggested I dye the wool in an onion skin bath.  I have been saving onion skins for years but never tried to dye with them.  Well, the first result was the wool ended up more a brown/green with very few hints of blue.  Not at all what I envisioned.  I thought maybe the dye bath was too strong, so made what I thought was weaker dye, but got the same results.

I pulled a few wools from my stash and headed to the local wool shop.  It was decided these wools were the best choice.  Too bad I cannot capture any true colors of my wool!!!  It gets so frustrating, but no matter how many different light sources I use, the color is still off 😡

MUCH better than the bright blue.

I eliminated the bright blue flower outline and am going with no outline.  

I adjusted this flower a bit and it has been suggested by a couple people to not hook those three doodads hanging down.  I know it is based on an antique design, but I am taking liberties!  The little clamshells may also be eliminated.

Two vein colors were also changed.

About the only thing other than background left to hook is to tweak the eyes.  At the end of the month, Sue from Vernon Junction and I are heading for a two day hook in in Shipshewana, IN.  I will work on the background there since it is pretty mindless and maybe even finish it!!!

DSO had a birthday the other day.  He counts his days in jelly beans and today he is at 29,583 of them!!!  Yesterday he had surgery on two trigger fingers.  Typical guy . . . he thought he'd be healed by today, but he's still a hurtin' puppy.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊


Saundra said...

Shame you didn't experiment with the onion skins with light odd colors of wool firs so you'd see what you get. Your blue wool and onion skins (yellow to orange depending on the strength of onions to water) would definitely make a green to brown result.
I edit or change my rug designs all the time so have at it. Whatever you choose I know in the end it will be perfect and you'll be happy.

TheCrankyCrow said...

Loving all your will be Lauren-perfect of course! Gonna be a stunner of a rug. ~Robin~ (And, yeah, I totally empathize with the days disintegrating into vapor.).

acorn hollow said...

I didn't mind the blue, but I do like the change. I haven't dyed in onion skins in a very long time.
Lucky you are getting out to hook this summer I have done nothing with my rugs at all so far this summer.
Happy Birthday to DSO

marly said...

Half of summer is over!! I am so ticked.

I love those flowers and your colors are gorgeous. I do like the bright blue, but I can't envision the entire piece and you would obviously know more than I would!

WoolenSails said...

I like the new blue, really beautiful shade and mixes well with the others. Your gardens are beautiful and lucky you to see an eagle up close.


Julia said...

I like the toned-down blue color changes you made. It will be a beautiful rug.

I've dyed with onion skins many times and it takes very little onion skin to get a weak solution. You don't need to save for years.

Take care,hugs.

NMK said...

I like your color changes too , sorry the onion skins didn't come out as you though ....guess that is why I'd rather buy wool already over dyed . I'm confident enough to dye wool by myself.
Summer is going by fast , but the Heat & Humidity are too much for me with so many days in a row of it . UGH