Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Hump Day ~

I don't know where the Indian Hills Community Center is, but they have THE BEST SIGNS to make you smile!

I took a walk around the yard last evening and snapped a few pictures.  With a digital camera, do we still snap pictures?

Blow mold Uncle Sam

It has been so exciting.  A pair of eagles built a nest in the park just a few blocks from my house.  Two eaglets hatched and have fledged.  Yesterday on my walk, I saw one of the babies up close and personal!!!  I knew almost nothing about eagles before, but in the last few months have learned so much.  It is amazing that at three months, they are as big as their parents.  They are about four months old at present.  Not sure how much longer the parents will let them stick around!

Thanks for all the comments about my tree.  I decided it was in my best interest to let the city know I want it removed.  Now I find out the removal is iffy.  It depends on the cost of removal.  Oh, the joys of home ownership.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊


Saundra said...

Lucky you, I've only seen eagles at a distance. They surely are majestic animals!
Your yard looks lovely, mine is brown.

TheCrankyCrow said...

You truly have the best yard. I think I could spend hours gawking around in it. I truly have never seen an Uncle Sam blowmold. Seriously...leave it to you. Love the sign. There used to be a commercial dairy on the interstate I took down to Madison and they had a huge billboard with the funniest sayings like this. But it's gone now. And love the photo of the eaglet... There is an incredibly sad story about the eagles and their nest outside my lakehouse's frontdoor. I had learned a great deal about eagles as well - and spent a lot of time up close and personal with them - since having the lakehouse. They truly are fascinating and majestic creatures. ~Robin~

marly said...

How exciting!

At least they didn't start cutting the tree before they questioned if they could.

Prims By The Water said...

I love seeing the eagles here. We have 7 breeding pairs so we have been told. They stay more near the lake in the Summer where their food source is and then move into the river by us in the Winter when the ducks move up here. We had no ice last year anywhere so no ducks came into the river and alas no eagles either. I always enjoy seeing your gardens alive with your ornamental decor! Now the tree is iffy??? I hope they do take it down for you. One less expense for you. Janice

Maureen said...

Well good grief, all the angst they started up by saying they’d take down the tree and then a big fat ol weeelll let’s check on that. Marly’s got the right way to look at the situation. I enjoyed your pictures. I keep going back to your frog and wonder what he is hoping, wishing,praying for? That’s very cool about your eagle neighbors.

NMK said...

Your gardens look so pretty ....mine were doing great until all this heat & humidity.
Hope they take of your tree !!!
So fun to see the Eaglets !!! Fascinating !!!

Leonora said...

Your flowers look so happy! And your garden is lovely.

Julia said...

We have a pair of eagles that live in one of the tall pines in the lane and they have been there for years, and each year, they have young ones so we have a lot of eagles along the river as they use it as their fishing ground. I too studied a lot about them.

I want that frog... even though I don't have a pond. I just love it. I think I would even kiss it... That cow sign cracked me up. I kind of miss our cows but not the work.

Your yard is lovely and so well kept. I can't keep up with the weeds in this heat and rain... At the farm, the weeds are growing out of control. This evening, I took my husband to the farm, to show him the gardens, to make him realize that he got way too many plants and that I can't possibly keep up with the weeds, especially in this heat and high humidity, and rain every other day. My son has been ill and couldn't till between the rows or help me weed. My husband tried to help me but lasted about 15 minutes in the heat and went home. I think that he realized that I was right. He quietly went and sat in the car and agreed with me.

Take care, hugs my friend.