Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Getting Out of Dodge ~ Again!

Friend Sue . . . yes that Sue of Vernon Junction . . . saw that an antique/primitive show promoter was having an outdoor show in her yard.  So guess what we are doing this Friday?  Hoping that we can get rid of excess antiques, collectibles and primitives.  Holy moly!  I only looked in a few antique cupboards and the basement, and this is what I came up with.  I have a few pieces of furniture that I am not taking.  I think between the two of us we will have too much for our booth.

In the midst of pricing, I asked Sue why we were putting ourselves through this.  Her response . . . "so we can buy more stuff".  Too funny!

As anyone who has had a garage sale knows, it is a LOT of work pricing items.  I had little idea how to price things, so looked things up on Etsy to see what the going rate was.  Prices on Etsy are very inconsistent for the same items.  I hope I priced my items so that they will sell.

Of course the weather guessers are now saying a good chance of rain tomorrow (set up day) and Friday (sale day).  Praying they are wrong!

No time for hooking, so that is all I have 😞

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊


NMK said...

Oh Wow , you have some pretty neat things ready to sell !!! What a great idea , wish I could do that here too ! Hope the weathermen are totally wrong and you sell all your neat things you can buy new cool things !!!! LOL or Wool or patterns !!!Good Luck !

Saundra said...

So are you having a sale in your yard or the antique dealer's yard? I see you have some of the same stuff as me: porch white rungs, spindles, Quaker dolls and forget what else (memory ya know, lol).
Good luck so you can buy more stuff.

TheCrankyCrow said...

Ugh!! I wanna come shop your overflow!!! Looks like some fun stuff. (But I REALLY want that latched case (silverware??) on the far left back by the door. That is awesome!!) Good luck...yes, lots and lots of work. Why my basement is still very full.... ~et~

Prims By The Water said...

Are you going to Cornfield Primitives by chance? Looks like you have lots of stuff to sell... so you can buy more. :-) Janice

acorn hollow said...

Sell sell sell!

Maureen said...

Wishing you pleasant weather and lots of sales!

marly said...

No plant in the potty chair? I have lots of those mashers, no one wants them here. Great that you had an opportunity to offer your downsizers, shipping is just way too much! Hope you had a good sale.