Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Remember the Cemetery Vases?

One of my favorite Christmas postcards!

This summer at an outdoor market, I purchased the metal cemetery vases, 3 for $1.  I hadn't a clue what I would do with them ~ I just thought they were cool ~ when my now S-I-L immediately said CHRISTMAS TREE.

I knew I needed to find a rusty star for the top and decided three trees are better than one!

Let's see if the third time is the charm 😁.  Samsung has been out twice to replace my stainless steel dishwasher door . . . with a white one.  Supposedly they are coming tomorrow with the correct door.  They assured me the door was in.  I am not too optimistic.  I mean, it's only been three + months.  

Oh, gee.  Before I even got this post done, they called to say they had to cancel because the door is not in.  WTH??? πŸ‘ΏπŸ‘ΏπŸ‘Ώ

Dear brother is doing remarkably well.  The nurse told us when there today that he is about a day ahead of recovery schedule and may get to go home Friday.  So good to hear he is doing so well.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊


Saundra said...

Fantastic news on your brother!!!!! You probably should have led with that news on your blog before showing the 'cemetery vases' LOL.

Julia said...

What a blessing... Good news on your brother doing so well but bummer on the dishwasher door. Why don't they understand that you need a stainless steel door and not a white door? Do they employ idiots for servicemen? Three months is a long time to wait for the right door.
This is just totally ridiculous. I'd be foaming at the mouth by now and I'm usually a calm and patient person...but I do have my limit. I think that the world is going backward and not forward.

I sure hope that they get it right next time.
Julia said...

Modern day appliance issues boggle the imaginations !
I’m glad to hear your brother continues to do well.
My dad hasn’t been able to get up yet. Some issues.

marly said...

Saundra's comment cracked me up! Yes, great news and I'm sure he is anxious to return home.

When you mentioned the vases, I thought you would be wrapping them with leftover wide wool strips. Wouldn't that be cool with different patterns overlapping? If you gather the top edge of the strips it would be nice and full. Would it? I have some off white and now I want to cut 2 or 2 1/2 inch strips and try it.

That postcard Santa was one I painted on the shaker box lid. Can't even remember who bought it.

JustGail said...

Booo! on the dishwasher situation.
I like the cemetery vase/tree conversion! You made the right call making 3 trees, seems like one tree out of all 3 vases might have looked a bit top heavy? Though that might be perfect with wonky primitive theme decorating.
Awesome news about your brother.

NMK said...

Your trees are so cute ! That is a great Cmas postcard !
Such good news about your brother , going Home Sweet home will feel so much nicer !!!

Prims By The Water said...

Good news for your brother. Your trees are adorable. Janice