Just a quick little update on Miss Molly. I truly appreciate all the concern. Blog friends are the best.
Overall, she is doing okay. No seizures since early last Friday. Her legs still are really bad and she can barely stand or walk more than a few steps. I took her back to the emergency clinic on Tuesday. She hadn't pooped in 2+ days (I know, TMI 😁) and $368 later I knew there was no blockage which was good news. Things still are not "normal" but my regular vet is back in town and I just spoke with her and she says not to be concerned. Fingers crossed that Molly continues to improve.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊
Thanks for the update on Molly... I'm sorry that she's having all these difficulties but I'm glad that she has no blockage. All you can do is already being done. I hope that she'll get her mobility again. Having sick pets is hard on the wallet.
Take care.
Oh poor Molly but how wonderful she has a mom who loves her and takes good care of her.
Awww...poor, sweet, baby. I was hoping she would regain some of the strength in her legs. I know how very difficult it is to see them not being able to walk. Will continue to pray and send healing thoughts. I am sure it will take a while for the other system "issues" to regulate. One would think that the diarrhea often accompanying antibiotics would balance out the constipation often accompanying the pain meds I am sure she was on.... But just the addition of more than a half a dozen new meds will obviously upset Molly's applecart for a while. ~Robin~
My comment will also be TMI but here goes...when I wake up and upright or walk that activates the need for the bowels to work. If Molly isn't walking and you carry her she is neither getting strength back in her legs nor activating the bowels. Please consider making a slight so she can move her legs and she will at least have a sense of normal. Get a wash cloth or dishtowel and use cotton or that ever for the handles on both sides so it assists her in the lift of the back legs. That's what I did for Shumba and it works.
OOOPS, the word was supposed to be SLING not 'slight'.
Poor baby! Hope she feels better. 🐶🐾
Fingers and toes crossed for Molly! Prayers too.Janice
I hope your vet's comment eased your mind a little. It's not like you won't be worrying! Poor baby. She is lucky to have you caring for her.
Hope Molly continues to feel better ...she just needs lots of TLC
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