Sunday, January 2, 2022

Secondhand Lions ~

New Years Day I once again watched one of my absolute favorite movies.  This 2003 release starring Robert Duvall, Michael Caine, Haley Joel Osment and Kyra Sedgwick is such a feel good movie.  No sex, vulgarities nor brutality.   I cry every time I watch it.  If you rent the DVD, be sure to watch the deleted scenes and alternate ending on the reverse side of the disc.  If you decide to watch it or have seen it, please let me know what you think,

As Robin so depressingly aptly pointed out, 2022 sounds too much like 2020, too.  ACK!  Scary thought, isn't it?  I am hoping and praying for a better year in more ways than one 😏

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊


Julia said...

I've never heard of the Secondhand Lions movie but then I was born under a rock.
I did watch one movie but was a few minutes late and didn't get the title. I so rarely watch TV but needed some diversion while I finishing my baby blanket.

I have no great expectations for 2022 just by the way it already started. Happy New Year anyway.


Saundra said...

I've seen the movie but it has been years and while I recall it was an emotional movie of teaching a boy to become a man cannot remember the details. Oh yes I recall dear Robin making the reality check of a statement that 2022 sounded a whole lot like 2020 too and it scared the bejesus out of me too. So guess we need to plan for beyond.

acorn hollow said...

Never heard of it. I will have to look for it.
We are so due for a good year. But then we made it through last year and still going so all is good.

Jennie in GA said...

I’ve never even heard of this movie!! Will have to watch out for it On Demand. Our DVD player went out several years ago and we never replaced it. Have to agree with Robin….unfortunately.

NMK said...

Never heard of that movie .....we did just watch Don't Look Up , we liked it .
Oh my goodness , I sure hope 2022 will be much better , not off to a good start though with Omicron all over !!!!

Farm Girl said...

I love that movie. We were talking about it and watching it. I should watch it soon.
Well, We had no idea 2020 would be like it was, and we I think are older and smarter in 2022.
I look forward to seeing the work of your hands in 2022.

TheCrankyCrow said...

I've never heard of this either but added it to my watchlist. I have Prime Video but can only use it at the lake (no smart tv at home because the one who purchased it wasn't the smartest) and usually watch a few things while I'm here but, for some reason, I haven't. And, geesh, first I'm a party girl and now I'm depressing??? ~et~

Prims By The Water said...

Never heard of this movie. Will have to search for it in my spare time. LOL Here's hoping Robin's thought about her 2020 too thought is wrong. Janice

Andrea said...

I LOVE that movie. Good choice.