Monday, January 18, 2021

A Few Finishes ~


Winter in Ohio continues to be mild.  No complaints from me.  Last eve we got a dusting of snow.  By this afternoon it was all gone.

The four hearts I hooked with handtorn strips are D.O.N.E., sewn in to little pillows.  I backed them with the wool I used to hook them.  No patchwork backs this time.  I've shown the wools so you could see how they hook up.  Oh, how I do love plaids 😉

It's hard to tell, but the wool used on the heart on the right is reversible.  

Surgery-wise, I am doing okay.  There is a bit of pain, but not too bad . . . though I am taking pain meds.  I've never used a walker before (thank goodness!) and that is causing me arm, neck and shoulder pain.  I have my first post op on Wednesday.  I am going on the assumption that all is well.  All day today I have felt like I am just spinning my wheels.  I feel I should be accomplishing miracles since I am basically sitting, but have had a serious motivation problem.  I'm hoping tomorrow will be better.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊


marly said...

Damn girl. Let your wheels spin! And if you aren't in too much pain, wonderful. I've had friends with the opposite and they were miserable so I'm happy you're doing really good for a week out.

The plaids are nice but I like the neutral/solid.

TheCrankyCrow said...

That's not getting a lot done??? Crap...I might as well slink away stage left. :-( Nobody does hearts or hand-torn like you do. Glad your winter continues to be mild... Ours has been too. It flurried all day, but didn't add a whole lot to what was already on the ground. But we're taking a dive in temps starting tonight.... Brrrrrr.... Also glad to hear your pain is manageable/tolerable at this point. The walker has to be a pain. I never really got to the point where I tolerated crutches when I fell down the circular stairway, broke my leg and tore my VMO and ACL. Once I could hobble properly, I cancelled out the surgery and said I'd deal with it. Couldn't imagine 6 more months of that. ~et~

WoolenSails said...

Wonderful hearts and I do like the idea of making some for fun. I hope you are feeling better soon.
Use your time to relax and enjoy doing hand work.


Saundra said...

I've had ONE small heart drawn, wool pulled and mine still isn't hooked yet. And I'm not post surgery like you. So you've accomplished quite a lot. Besides, in the past haven't you complained of not getting many loops pulled because life got in the way? Well life is now giving you time to sit and hook ~ enjoy it.

acorn hollow said...

I think you should use this time to do nothing! It is a perfect excuse to not beat yourself up. But as I see it you are very busy that's a lot of hears! I am sorry the walker is giving you back pain another good excuse to take care of you just foot up and napping or listening to great music. I hope your appointment goes well.

Samplings from Spring Creek said...

Be kind to yourself and allow yourself to heal. Yes, it is challenging for those who are accustomed to the go go go mode to sit. The hearts are lovely and just in time for Valntine's

Prims By The Water said...

Love your heats as always! Hope you are getting better. Sucks to be gimping around. Janice

Jennie in GA said...

Looks like you’re getting plenty done to me!!! Love seeing how those plaids hook up.!You don’t need snow when you are on a walker!!!!

moosecraft said...

Hopefully your post op went well and your healing is on schedule! Pain can really wear down a person's spirits... I don't even have a good book to recommend to help pass the time... hugs!

Julie - My Primitive Heart said...
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Julie - My Primitive Heart said...

Hi Lauren,
I hope you continue to heal and get back to your normal routine, boot free and walker free!!! I'm so sorry you are dealing with the pain and hope those meds make it more bearable!! It looks like you HAVE been able to accomplish some things and I must say I think the hearts are BEAUTIFUL!! Those plaids are just wonderful and I love how you share them with each heart!!
So happy winter seems to be more kind this year and I do hope it continues!!
Take care and keep on improving, my friend!!
Heart Hugs~
Julie xo