Monday, December 28, 2020

Antique Sterling Silver ~

When I got married  in 1976, my mom asked me if I'd like to have sterling silver flatware.  My sister had sterling flatware that my mom would add pieces to on a regular basis.  It really was kind of ironic since my mom didn't even have matching flatware.  My answer was an emphatic "NO!".  A number of years later, probably in the late 80's, I decided that I indeed would like it, but my choice was to purchase mismatched pieces at antique shows and shops.  Most of my pieces are antique.  I'm sure some are just vintage.  My favorite pieces are ones with initials, names and/or dates.  

The pieces are so ornate.

The backs are as pretty as the fronts.

Though one of the plainer forks, this one is special.  It says Anna and is dated March 17, 1901.  My favorite aunt's name was Anne and she was born March 19, 1901.  So close.

Teaspoons are just as pretty.

Dated '07 on the front.

And Xmas on the back.

Though only silverplate, I had to buy this spoon.  My father, brother and son are all William.

A few more random pictures from around the house.

No matter the light, any pictures I take of these two blow mold Santas turn out pinkish.

This hard plastic Santa light is only 7" tall.

Thanks so much for stopping by
Pug hugs 😊

14 comments: said...

Wonderfully Christmasy and cozy.

Julia said...

Your silverware is extra special and conversation pieces in itself. There was such beauty in all these ornate patterns that the artisans put all their skills to produce. Too bad that we don't have those skilled craftsmen nowadays. It's the same with modern furniture, there is absolutely nothing special about them anymore. They are massed produced and are certainly not works of art.

Keep the pictures coming, the Christmas season ends on January 6th so there's plenty of time still and I love seeing your treasures.

Can you believe that we're near the end of 2020? It makes my head spin and I hope it doesn't stop with my face behind my head, lol. I want to look forward to 2021.
Stay safe and be yourself.
Hugs, Julia

Saundra said...

Now that silver flatware is something I could get into easily and you have a wonderful collection of someone's memories. You're doing them proud because you are honoring them. So when will Christmas boxing back up begin for you? After January 1st?

acorn hollow said...

Oh I like that idea so much more interesting.
I love your Santas it looks pretty red on my end of things.
Happy New Year

Prims By The Water said...

What a lovely collection of silver. Folks around here would rather turn it in to be melted rather than keeping it. Love your Santas. Janice

TheCrankyCrow said... inquiring mind would like to know if it is difficult for someone who appreciates these absolute treasures like you do hesitates when altering them into your awesome pieces of jewelry?? In my mind, you are breathing new life into them so they can truly be appreciated for the art that they are, but I know there would be a part of me that would make me feel guilty LOL. I have two boxes of silverware in the garage (someplace) that didn't sell at my mom's estate sale and I couldn't bear to just "donate" them...I know one was a wedding gift to her and my dad, but I am not sure which of course I have to keep both. They are only silver plated, but they still have their charm. I wish we set formal tables more (ever?) and, well, that my husband didn't occasionally throw out the flatware with his paper plates. :-( Love that you are continuing to enjoy your beautiful Christmas decor. The little I did is still up... Somedays I want to do a Marly and dump them all back in a dark box as fast as possible, but other days I think I just might leave it up until next year...that's how little I am motivated. Gah....something's gotta give. ~Robin~

marly said...

Do you have a spoon rack or similar to show them off? Such beautiful designs. I have my mom's plated, don't use it, no one wants it. I didn't know many of the old pieces were stamped or engraved. I don't get why the dates would be birth and not marriage. I guess it's the cold meds.

Samplings from Spring Creek said...

I love mismatched silver and dishes! Yours is beautiful, I hope you use it everyday.

Sue Swank said...

You sure have can eye for collecting beautiful and unique items. Love it!!

NMK said...

Your silver collection is just Beautiful ! My foolish Mother sold her pretty sterling set when the thing to do was sell it & they melted it down !!! I only have a few serving pieces she did keep . I have her collection of small decorative spoons , the detail is amazing . The old coin silver spoons engravings are so pretty .
I'm not putting Cmas away yet ....maybe in a few weeks ...

Jacqueline said...

Beautiful eye candy

Olde Dame Holly said...

Love the sterling flatwear! I like to collect mismatched teacups as well. I have a William, too - my son.

Jennie in GA said...

I just love the idea of mismatched silver, and they are all so pretty!! The blow mold Santa’s are great. I continue to be charmed and amazed with your collections.

moosecraft said...

Beautiful silverware! It's the stories behind the collections that make them sparkle! :-)