Saturday, April 29, 2023

Little Lost Puppy ~ (Edited)

So the other day I am headed to the post office.  A block from my house I see a little white dog at the intersection.  I live in a relatively quiet neighborhood, but many drivers do not even slow down at this four way stop 😡.  I got out of the car to check on the little furbaby.  At first, it ran, but then hunched down and lunged like a puppy wanting to play, and immediately let me pick it up.  I figured it would be easy to find the owner of the little cutie, who after checking, I determined the pronoun to use is she/her 😁  She is not wearing a collar so I carried her around a several block radius of where she was found, knocking on doors and asking everyone who was outside (it was a pretty good weather day) if they knew who her owner might be.  She must have weighed all of 8 pounds.  She looked like a bichon and had been clipped recently so I felt certain she had wandered off.  Sadly not one person recognized her.

I took her home waiting for the local vet office to reopen, hoping and praying she was chipped.  Thankfully I had a collar that fit her.  She was just the sweetest, most friendly little pup.  Sadly she was not chipped so I made the heart wrenching decision to call the police and have her taken to the county animal kennel.  I thought that was her best chance of being reunited with her family.  I did not post to social media.  Being so darn cute, I was afraid many would come forward claiming she was theirs.

Yesterday I saw this on the kennel Facebook page.  I cried tears of joy.  The posting has not been updated and I am hoping and praying her family did come and get her.  I left the kennel a message, but have not heard back from them.  I just checked the FB page and she has been reunited with her family.  Oh how I love a happy ending 💘

Please, folks, if you have a pet, be sure to have them chipped . . . and be sure to register the chip and keep the information updated!!!

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊


TheCrankyCrow said...

Awwww....what a sweet soul you are to have tried so diligently to find her owner. I, too, hope that she is now back home and safe. ~Robin~

NMK said...

Someone hopefully has been searching for her .....especially since she was recently groomed ....I hope the owners Thank You for taking the time to take her to a safe place .

Sue Swank said...

I thought for just a minute you were keeping this non pug pup. But I am glad they were reunited. I would miss my pups so much if they got lost.

Saundra said...

I'm sure everyone was very happy to be reunited. Good job you!

Julia said...

This makes everyone happy. Blogger friends are happy, the owner and the dog must be very happy and I'm sure you are happy as well for this sweet ending. You are such a kind-hearted person, Lauren. God bless you for doing this.

When I first started reading this post, I thought for sure that you were going to adopt this little dog, lol...

Happy Weekend.
Hugs, Julia

marly said...

Thank you for rescuing her! Fantastic that the owner was found, not usually the case. Yay for the little girl!!

Prims By The Water said...

So glad her owner was found. I thought for sure you were gong to tell us you adopted her. Janice

Jo said...

Thanks to you for taking the initiative & searching for her owner! So happy for a sweet ending! This little one reminds me of our Sammi, who is Bichon/Coton. I’m sure her owner was thrilled to see her!

Jane said...

Lauren .... I love your big heart! Never change!

Farm Girl said...

I am so glad she got her family back. She seems like a sweet girl.
You are so so sweet.