When dyeing wool, YOU MUST WEAR GLOVES. This is what happens when you don't. Several scrubs with bleach helped, but four days later the fingers still have a blue cast. I am a slow learner though. This is not the first time I didn't follow the rules.
And this is what happens when you shake the dye jar and the lid is not on tight. Of course when you try to wipe it up it makes an even bigger mess. (If you look carefully at the top right of the photo, latex gloves are there waiting to be worn. DUH!)
I would love to show the dye results, but I have taken countless pictures and not one shows the true colors!
Tomorrow I am off to rug class with Kris Miller for two days. I have chosen this antique adaptation to hook, though I do not plan to hook it in the blah colors of the antique. I enlarged the pattern to 22" x 35", which is pretty big for me.
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 💔
I have done the no glove thing always promising
Myself I would be very careful. I always end up with colored hands.
Ugg on the spill so hard to clean up!
Live the new rug.lucky you to get away hooking for a couple of days
I never bother with the gloves either. I'm being extra careful but have on occasion, ended up with dye on my fingers. I wish you a fun class with Kris Miller.
I'll be having fun at a rug hook-in this weekend. It's only for a day.
Curly certainly had a soft and gentle heart for dogs.
Take care,
Think I wore gloves the very first time and I do get a tad color on a couple fingers. I have never shaken the jar, I always stir with an old spoon saved for dyeing. My, what pretty colored hands you have. Looking forward to your color choices and photos. I haven't seen Kris since 2019 when I hooked Oh Glorious Day and she pulled a few fun loops on my rug when I wasn't looking.
What a lovely story about Curly, my all time favorite Stooge.
Your blue hands are just right for this Easter season😁
Can't wait to see your color palette for this pretty design ! Will be a Fun gathering of Hookers !!!
I will have to remember to wear gloves if & when I ever get the courage to dye wool !!!
Love the story about Curly !!!
Another reason for me to never be tempted to do dyeing. I am such a klutz that when I painted and we had classes/workshops, the teacher(s) would set up a separate table for me. True story. 🙈 Have fun at your class - looking forward to seeing your color choices - they'll be stunning I am sure. But I do hope that you found something to wear that coordinates well with your blue hands. 🤣 ~Robin~
That's my sister's counter top pattern. I've been told my lid is not screwed on tight, but they're not referring to a jar of dye. You should outline the blue with marker (that comes off with alcohol) and make a few flowers. Tell everyone it's your tat!! Enjoy the retreat.
Had not heard that about Curly. What an awesome and funny man. Yes said man. Oh no on the dyed hand...did you think you were an Easter egg? LOL Hope the dye wears off before you head to your class with Kris and hope you have fun! I do like that rug you picked out. Did you buy the pattern or just draw it up yourself? Janice
If your blog post was my annual Medicare wellness exam I'd not have passed with the 3 words. I failed to mention Curly and how wonderful a human he was.
I just love your blog and read it faithfully but never comment (sending a hug over Molly's recent crossing over the rainbow bridge--what a cutie she was). However, this day's blog with the blue hand cracked me up. I too have experienced the Dreaded Blue Hand. I generally don't use gloves either. However, in 2010 I bought ONE tube of a specially formulated dye remover for hands/skin from ProChem, and I still have that same tube and still use it. Now they have 2 types of hand cleaning cream for dyes (I think the 2nd one is called ReDuRan or something like that). The label fell off my tube, or maybe it's in a "tub" not tube? Anyway, my point is that one application gets dyes off my hands and leaves them feeling good. You can read about one Blue Hand incident I had in 2014 that sounds exactly like yours, complete with hand photo. https://www.drawingfromtheday.com/a-blog-on-art-creativity-and-mindfulness/vermont-magic-and-a-rug-in-hiding Warning: it's a very long post so don't bother to read, just skim past the photos until you get to the Blue Hand and you can see before and after pictures. Thanks for all you write!
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