Monday, May 30, 2022

Remember Why ~


Please take a moment and pray for the families of those who made the ultimate sacrifice so that we may be free.

May God Bless America,
Land that I love.

Friday, May 27, 2022

Please Take a Moment to Think About This ~


What happened in Uvalde, TX, is beyond comprehension.  Pure evil.  There are so many unanswered questions at this time.  My heart breaks for the families and the community.  

This is not posted for a 2nd Amendment discussion.  Nor a gun discussion.  It is posted solely to cause people to think.  More must be done to protect our children.


Tuesday, May 24, 2022

How Did I Ever Find Time to Work?

I know many retired people ask themselves that same question 😁 As usual I seem to be meeting myself coming and going and feel as if I am not accomplishing half what I need to be.  Rug Week at Sauder Village is about two and a half months away and I have not made a dent in what I'd like to take to vend.  I have never vended for so many days nor where such crowds are expected.  I have no idea what/how much I need to make.  Even this far out, I am stressing myself out and occasionally losing sleep.

I have finished a few more sunflowers that will be taken to an antique shop.  They still need to be attached to a bedspring . . . of which I have none.  On Friday's agenda is heading to a friend's who has an old mattress we will take apart and hopefully have the type of bedsprings I need.

I have also made a little progress on my camp rug . . . very little.

Of course yard work is in full swing.  The flower beds are in need of attention, but look pretty darn good at the moment.  Irises are blooming, but some that I moved last fall have no buds.  I think I may have planted the rhizomes too deep.  Darn.  Here are a few that are blooming.

Midge season has arrived which makes yardwork difficult.  They are a sign of a healthy Lake Erie . . . and a precursor to chihuahu-sized spiders😒 Midges look like mosquitos, though they do not bite.  They live in the greenery by the thousands (millions?) and swarm when disturbed.  If you don't keep your mouth closed and continually exhale, you are ingesting them or breathing them in.  Not a pleasant way to do yardwork.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

A Little More about Cedar Lakes ~

Here are a few pictures from the Cedar Lakes rug show.  It was hard to take pictures since they were lying flat on tables.  To view the entire show, head on over to Facebook and go to Dragonfly on the Lakes.  

Designed by one of the camp attendees.  Four wonderful versions.

I am always in awe of rugs hooked from a black and white photo.

The next two rugs in the show were hooked by my teacher, Jeanne Benjamin.  I believe this is a Lib Calloway pattern she sells.

Love this fun detail.

And if memory serves me correctly, this was designed by Bev Conway.  Funny.  Bev doesn't think her patterns are whimsical.

Jeanne hooked a self portrait.  What a hoot 😁

Here are two more rugs hooked by Jeanne that were on display in our classroom.  In person, this rug was absolutely gorgeous and so primitive.

The camp director had bought out someone's rug business sometime in the past.  She brought hundreds of rugs and was selling them HALF PRICE.  Well, how can I resist such a bargain . . . and I could have bought even more!

All the patterns I purchased are on linen.  I choose not to hook on monk's.  Only used monk's once many years ago, a very small pattern I drew up, and I did NOT like working on it.  Just a personal preference.

Sheep pattern is by Star Rug Company.  Briner's Bouquet is a Magdalena Briner Eby adaptation, this one drawn by Red Barn Rugs.  On the bottom is the small Guilford Runner, sold by the Woolley Fox.

Another antique adaptation, this one drawn by Never Enough Wool.  It is 22 1/2 x 37, so a big rug for me.  If you are interested in this pattern, Saundra sells it here.

Last but not least are two small patterns.  The Goosed Moose is a pattern by Wooly Woolen.  Pumpkin Man is by DG (??).  The side margins are very skimpy and I will need to add fabric to make it hookable, but for only $5, I could not pass it up.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊

Sunday, May 15, 2022

Cedar Lakes Rug Camp ~

Cedar Lakes Conference Center is set in beautiful Ripley, West Virginia.  Our weather was absolutely perfect each day.  Foggy mornings then bright blue skies and warm temperatures.

My class was with Jeanne Benjamin.  Of the twelve students, eight had taken from her previously . . . some many times.  

My progress after four days.  I always think I should accomplish so much more.  To my chagrin, much of this is hooked in an 8 cut to get the detail I needed.  8 1/2 is my preferred cut.  (It is hard to believe there is such a big difference between an 8 and an 8 1/2!)

Some of the rugs being worked on in the class.

This was the third class with Jeanne in which the hooker was working on one of Jeanne's patterns.  Simply gorgeous!!!

Tablemate and Ohio hooker finished this little primitive kitty and started another with a barn.

Teacher Bev Conway rode to camp with Jeanne and sat in on our class.  Here is the rug she was working on.

It is a beautiful day on Ohio's north coast.  Now that the weather is finally improving, I am back to walking outdoors in the morning.  Since I live only two blocks from Lake Erie, a trip through the park is a must.  Today the lake was glass smooth.

I will leave you with a bit of humor 😁

More camp stuff to share in my next post.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊

Saturday, May 7, 2022

Happy Mother's Day ~


Happy Mother's Day to one and all, whether it be to the two legged variety or four 😁

It's not like I have been sitting around for days doing nothing but watching soap operas and eating bonbons, but I am my usual very far behind.  Errands this morning.  I am in the process of doing laundry so I can pack my clothes.  Finding my summer clothes was a bit of a challenge.  My wool is pretty much packed ~ lots and lots of wool.  Next up . . . mowing the yard so I won't need a goat when I get home.  I know it will all get done, but I would like to sleep tonight, though Robin pointed out that sleep is overrated . . . lol!

My rug for camp is a scrappy one, Gypsy by Payton Primitives.  It has been in my stash for too many years.  Hopefully when I return from camp I will have lots to share . . . if I remember to take pictures.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊

Thursday, May 5, 2022

She's Baaaaack ~

For days I searched for my hook.  A friend had been over getting wool.  Sunday I sent her a text asking if there was any chance she had inadvertently taken my hook.  Nope she replied.  "I dumped my hooking bag and it is not here".  Lo and behold last night I get a text.  "So sorry.  I found your hook wrapped in the linen."   'Nuff said.  I am thankful I have my favorite hook for camp 😘  And yes.  My hook uses a female pronoun.

Summer Glory is getting ready to be bound.  Somehow I have to get it bound before I leave for camp on Sunday.  If I didn't sleep for the next couple of days I may be ready to leave Sunday at noon 😁

Here is a better picture of the color of the blue eight point stars.  Still not great but better.

This message is for Lynda, a no reply blogger.  If you get any information about Cammie, please pass it on and let her know lots of people would be interested in her patterns!

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊