Thursday, July 18, 2019

The Moving Wall ~

The Moving Wall is a half-size replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C.  Last weekend it was in Wellington, OH (home of Archibold Willard, painter of the Spirit of '76).  Though I came of age during the Vietnam War, I thankfully knew no one who paid the ultimate sacrifice, but there are 58k + names etched on the wall.  So sad.

~ May God Bless our Soldiers and 
may God Bless America ~



marly said...

My cousin's husband and two friends.

Prims By The Water said...

Many years ago we had a moving wall come into town. Just made my heart bleed for all those sacrificed their lives for us to be free. Bobbie showed us her sunflower. Cannot wait to see what you made. Janice

Julia said...

What a wonderful way to remember the soldiers who fought in the Vietnam war by moving these walls through the different states. It looks like there are many, many names on these walls. Remembering our soldiers who are fighting for our freedom is of great priority. It is unbelievable the sacrifices they make to keep us free.
I salute them. Hugs, Julia

acorn hollow said...

I have seen the moving wall and the big wall both heart wrenching. The draft stopped with my bother in law who was a year ahead of my husband so neither had to go. But I had cousins that went but thankfully all come home
God Bless america indeed

Mugwump Woolies said...

Knew many who went. A vivid memory of the time was going home to Coronado Island for spring break with a friend from college. Her father was the commander of the naval base there. One morning, right there on the base, we saw off a friend...and his unit...a Seal Team/UDT unit as they left. I have often wondered how many of those young, highly trained fellows that we watched board that plane came back. We were dancing with many of these LT. J.G.'s at a big ball a few nights before...and then they were off to war. It was a moving experience.

Saundra said...

It has been a few years now, but I saw the original one in Washington. Horrific that so many men lost their lives and to see so many names up close was overwhelming.

Jennie in GA said...

We visited the Wall when it was in Newnan. Blake is a Bronze Star Vietnam vet, and I lost a HS friend to this war. It’s memories are still very vivid to those men and women who served there. God bless them all.

Farm Girl said...

Every time I go to a war memorial, I stand and cry. I can't hardly look at Arlington without crying.
I think that is a wonderful tribute. Seeing that reminds me once again, freedom isn't free.