My class in Pennsylvania with Katie Hartner of the Woolley Fox was THE BEST! I would highly recommend if you ever get the chance to take a class from her, jump on the opportunity.
Most of the students in the class were working on HUGE rugs and I was working on a weenie 12" x 36" rug. The first day I made great progress . . . and this was even after totally rehooking his tail.
Days 2 & 3 I was a real slacker. I thought I would at least be at the halfway mark. I was close . . . but not close enough.
Sue and I went a day early and stopped at a few shops in PA. The one antique mall that was recommended - Laughlintown Antique Mall - was incredible!!! One of the best antique malls I have ever been to. Not one of the huge mega-malls, just a nice size with incredible antiques. I could have totally spent my kids' inheritance 😁 (but I'm purging, remember?). I did buy a few gifts, a couple pieces of antique coverlet and a cast iron eagle to join my growing collection.
We then headed to the Flight 93 Memorial. Sadly the GPS was not cooperating, steered us wrong because of a detour and we arrived at the visitor center 5 minutes before closing 😒
Thursday morning I am heading to southern Ohio for a two day hook in. Nothing for many months and then two hook-y things in a week and a half.
Be sure to check Sue's blog to see what she was hooking! She was also hooking something small, but it is just beyond gorgeous!
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊
Pug hugs 😊
I took a class from Katie Hartner too , she was so nice and I learned a lot from her too. Love your Rooster Rug .....your colors are so nice.
The antique mall you hit sounds like a great place to browse and find a treasure ! When I just checked Sue's Blog , she didn't have an update on your adventure yet. Enjoy your next hooking adventure !!!
I think you accomplished a lot considering you left early on your 3rd day, as most camp goers do.
Flight 93 ~ whenever I think about what those men/women did on that plane brings me to tears for their personal sacrifices and bravery. Am sure there is a special place in heaven for all of them.
Rooster is looking very good. I do agree with the comb being lost in the background. Looking good though. Off again are we? My my you are a busy little beaver. Have fun again and safe travels. I am not spending much on antiques either anymore. Once a year I do my trail with my mom...that's it. Janice
You accomplished a heck of a lot more than I ever would have. But guess that's a given LOL. Always. It's looking great. I'm glad the antique mall was a hit as well. Gosh, I can't remember the last time I've been antiquing. Probably a good thing. Quite the jet-setter of the hooking world, aren't you? Well, have a great time...again. Safe travels as well.
I checked that mall's site, NICE!! Link on FB doesn't work but Google search does.
Your rug is so cute! Have fun at the next one!!
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