Sunday, March 23, 2025

Bad Juju ~


I got new tires a couple weeks ago.  The one tire started to leak so I went back to my trusted mechanic.  He added air and thought I was good to go.  A few days later and two days before leaving for PA, the same tire was low again and I went back in a near panic.  I needed a new valve stem.  Whew!

The day before I left for southern Ohio I saw something under my car that seemed to be hanging down.  Then it completely slipped my mind.  When I was leaving the antique mall in Springfield, Ohio, 175 miles from home, it was really hanging.  ARGH!!!  I could tell is was some kind of plastic cover.  Sent DSO a picture and he said I was ok to drive but was hoping I didn't hit a big pothole or some such thing and rip it off.

Then when in Troy going to the hook in, I turned on my back window wiper blade . . . and it was gone.  WTH???

I made it home with the the plastic shield thingy still hanging on and DSO fixed that today.  Now I just need a need wiper blade.

I drive a 12 year old Nissan Rogue with a 131k miles on it that I want to drive forever . . . so I hope the bad juju is gone!

The Spring Fling was great fun!  Hosted by the Wooly Horse, Jo's Folk Art Fibers, Ali Strebel Designs and Rustic Eweniques it was held in a gorgeous restored barn in Troy, Ohio.

Jenny from the Wooly Horse is coming to our guild in June to teach a scrappy hooking class.  It should be great fun!

Here are a few examples of her scrappy hooking.

A close up of the bunny rug.  Besides wool, there is sari ribbon, yarn, velvet, ticking and who know what else?

And a couple of her rugs.  She is an amazing designer and hooker.

Jenny's punch needle pieces.

Her antique rugs that she preproduced.

The ladies' room was in the lower level of the barn, so they had a heated porta-potty trailer for those who could not do the stairs.  The sign just cracked me up!

A bit more to share in my next post.

Thanks for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊


Sue Swank said...

Oh my, I'm glad it wasn't anything super serious wrong with your car. But how does one "lose" a windshield wiper?? When you sent me pictures of Jenny's rugs I had no idea that was a bunny. I thought it was an ugly horse with a loooong neck.

Saundra said...

That was a bunny? Looked more like a mongoose. Don't choose that pattern, lol. Lucky you to have a vehicle only 12 years old, mine is 22 years old and am still keeping it.

acorn hollow said...

When you say scrappy what does that mean? Wide?
I love the antique rugs and that runner is beautiful.
I hate bad JuJu especially when it comes to cars. Glad you got things fixed.
Cars are so expensive!! to fix and buy

TheCrankyCrow said...

Bad juju and motor vehicles are a bad combination. I agree with DOES one lose a wiper??? Something tells me I should never accept a ride with you LOL. Those scrappy rugs are, indeed, scrappy. I seriously doubt you will be able to embrace that much scrappiness with your OCD "tendencies." I do like the "pre-produced" antique rugs. She certainly is a hooker/puncher with many talents.

Prims By The Water said...

So glad you made it home without losing anything else on your car. Bob and I have been to that Springfield antique mall many times, but I never found anything myself that spoke to me to come home. Maybe because I always found things at the Springfield flea market to bring home which was always more cheaper. I dont see you doing that much of a scrappy rug...but maybe your taste has changed somewhat. Those other rugs are amazing. Janice

Betty said...

Such a great variety of rugs and styles. Glad you made it going and coming. Thanks for showing & sharing,

NMK said...

Wow ! Those scrappy rugs really are scrappy , would love to see it in person. The pre-produced rugs are just beautiful , her colors look so antiquey .
Bad juju with cars is terrible ....thank goodness you made it home fine .