Tuesday, March 25, 2025

A Correction and a Crock ~

This rug I showed in my previous post is actually a rug by Chrisi Koehl of Rustic Eweniques, titled Crock-O-Blooms.  Sorry, Chrisi.

On our way to the hook in, we stopped at one of the mega antique malls in Springfield, Ohio.  For the most part I am not a fan of the huge malls.  They generally tend to have the majority of the items in showcases and I would rather see items up close and personal.  I did, however, find a crock to add to my "cracked crock" collection.  Nothing special and the cracks are on the bottom (I am no purist!), but for the price I could not leave it behind (even though I am supposed to be purging 😁).  This pic is the one I took at the mall.  It is currently sitting on the kitchen counter waiting for me to clean the inside.

You know I can't come home empty-handed!!!

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊


Saundra said...

So is there space for that crock? I know something else that is slightly 'cracked', lol.

Prims By The Water said...

Thats a nice crock. I have a few that are cracked too. I dont care. Janice

Saundra P said...

Good thing I’m not a working comedian or I’d starve. Sorry for the poor joke. Saundra

marly said...

A great crock! I miss the antique market years ago at our local mall. Now the entire mall is demolished!

TheCrankyCrow said...

I envy you your antiquing opportunities - and your new old cock - cracked or not. Weird, though, that it's cracked on the bottom. Makes me wonder how that happened.

TheCrankyCrow said...

*CROCK*!!! for heaven's sake!!!! 🤪.

acorn hollow said...

It is a pretty one! Will you stand up rugs in it?

Betty said...

Oh Robin's comment made me laugh! Anyway good find and since you've been purging, a little intake is allowed 'specially when it's something special.