Thursday, October 10, 2024

Bumper Crop ~

Growing up, I lived on a small farm (though I was never much of a farmer 😁).  Each year my older brother planted an enormous pumpkin patch.  When harvested they filled our entire front yard and more.  Locally we were know as Pumpkin Town.  I have never had a garden nor planted any pumpkins.  However this year, I had a volunteer pumpkin vine show up in my front flower bed and take over.  Yesterday I harvested my crop.  Now I just wonder how long it will take the da#* squirrels to destroy them.

Since I am vending the next two Saturdays, thought I'd better make a few of these paisley strawberry pinkeeps.  Not something I enjoy making and not sure if they will sell, but eight of them are done.  I just have a heck of a time sewing on the caps without wrinkles 😡

I did finish hooking the pumpkin.  Time will tell if I get it "fully finished" before this Halloween.  It will have a real pumpkin stem, be stuffed and put on an old spindle.

Thanks so much for stopping by.  Tomorrow I am heading a couple hours south and will be vending at the state guild hook in.  Then the following Saturday I will be vending once again.  To be honest, I am getting burned out on vending, but it is what allows me to support my not-so-cheap hooking and occasional antiquing habits.

Pug hugs 😊


TheCrankyCrow said...

Yay on the pumpkins!!!!! I have thought about converting my pool into a huge pumpkin patch and then decided that would probably not be a good idea...the cleanup is a mes and I'm not so good at cleanups. Go figure. Your sweet little paisely strawberries are sure to sell Silly...they're wonderful! You know I have a thing for paisley. And, of course, what's not to love about your Jack? When I can, I'm stitching on my Halloween sampler...had hoped for a finish before the magical day but it is looking less and less likely. Certainly won't be finally finished (i.e., framed). Best of luck with the vending...that would seriously wear me out. ~Robin~

NMK said...

Your pumpkins are Great ! So pretty ! Love your paisley strawberry ! And your pumpkin is so cute ! Hope you sell out of all your nice pieces ! Then you can Shop again !!!