Friday, May 24, 2024

Rug Show at Cedar Lakes ~ Part 2

I didn't get pictures of all the rugs in the show, but here are some more.

Just a sampling of the rugs being hooked in the classroom next door.

This rug just makes me smile 😁

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊


TheCrankyCrow said...

Incredible! So many unique styles. Who would have thought of putting hooking on a jacket? Not me... I love all the textures and mix of fibers. But my very favorite of all is the bunny with the pussywillow. I have seen that before and drooled but this one is exquisitely hooked. I would have been so intimidated by the creativity and talent I wouldn't have even taken my hooking out. Probably a good thing I'm the hermit that I am. Thanks so much sharing. Your photos were awesome - and you managed to hook a ton too. ~Robin~

Saundra said...

My favorite was also the bunny with pussy willows. On those jackets ~ I'm gussing the hooked work was stitched onto the denim.

NMK said...

Just amazing hooking ! Thank you so much for sharing . Have a Happy Memorial Day weekend !!!

Sue Swank said...

I third it. The rabbit with the pussy willow is amazing. I also found the beeskep interesting.

marly said...

Flag with floral border! I also like the background of the goat. And the goat. Just not together.

Prims By The Water said...

The bunnies playing instruments made me smile. Janice

acorn hollow said...

I love those bunnies!!! The one with the teeth kind of gives me the creeps lol.
Some wonderful pieces.

Julia said...

The bunny with the pussy willow is amazing. So much talented rug hookers.
Sorry about my late comment and visit. Like keeps me on my toes.
Enjoy the weekend. Hugs.

Julia said...

I meant,"Life keeps me on my toes." Lol...