Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Rug Show at Cedar Lakes ~ Part 1

 No words needed.  Enjoy the show!

Detail of how the rug was finished.  I don't think I have ever seen this finishing technique before.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊


NMK said...

Wow !!! Amazing rugs !!! Lots of overachievers !!! LOL .....just Beautiful hooking

TheCrankyCrow said...

Just incredibly stunning. Those first two, of course, have been on my radar for several years already. I probably won't ever get around to tackling them, but oh so very tempting. I hope you don't have too many show photos to go...I'm running out of adjectives and superlatives. ;-) ~Robin~

Saundra said...

Like Robin I've had the first two on my radar too but hasn't happened yet. The fourth one has to be a Star Rug pattern and LOVE her vintage post card look. I've hooked Birds and Pomegranates myself and enjoyed seeing someone else's version. Loved the show and unlike Robin I hope you DO have more show photos, lol.

Lori from Notforgotten Farm said...

gorgeous rugs! but the jazzy skeletons are my fav ;)

JustGail said...

Yummy rugs! I have no idea why I'm not a fan or orange/brown/olive colors, yet it's almost always the fall/Halloween/Thanksgiving rugs that catch my eye. Or the animals. Or the lovely florals. Or the....

Prims By The Water said...

At first I thought this was going to be a Halloween rug show. Boy was I wrong. LOL Love them all. Very interesting finish as well on that one. Janice

Samplings from Spring Creek said...

Wow! Those rugs are amazing

Leonora said...

Wow, Stunning assortment of rugs! I have never seen an edge finish like that either. It seems there will always be something new to learn!

marly said...

Wow on #11. Wow.