Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Progress - Day Two ~

It's been a long day 😴   My commute to class is an hour and a half each way.  I am thankful I have not encountered any traffic issues.  Most of the class went out to dinner after class, so I got home a couple hours later than yesterday and there were a few things that just had to be done.  My plants did not want to wait until tomorrow!!!  I don't know how people commute this far, or even farther, on a daily basis for work.  I was so lucky to never work more than a half hour from home.

I forgot to take a picture of my rug  This was taken by another student.  Thanks Mary Margaret!

Still much color planning needs to be done!!!

Thank you for all the kind comments on yesterday's post.  I just don't have the energy to respond to them . . . sigh.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊


acorn hollow said...

I have always lived close to work also. I am only 5 miles at this point. When I worked for GE I walked to work.
your rug is coming along nicely. I saw the pictures of your class it doesn't look like it is crowded at all. That is one of my pet peeves. I have being shoved in like a can of sardines.

Jo said...

Another creative day! Love your blue horse! Hope you get lots done today (Thursday)!

Saundra said...

I'd leave the bird and horse alone and work on other motifs just so you know what to do when you get home. Guess you're having a prim black background?

TheCrankyCrow said...

Oooo, this is going to be all kinds of good!! Funny, it doesn't look that large in the first photo. 😂 Bummer about the commute...I don't think I could do it. Although nothing is "close" to Nod and going anywhere involves some travel, my back just doesn't handle travel well, so I stay mostly put. My nephew is a professor at UW Madison...he travels 4+ hrs each way 2x/week...and has for years. All I can say is they must pay him REALLY well. Don't fret about not replying to this message. I am amazed (and happy) that you manage to sneak in a progress post for us. ~Robin~

NMK said...

After a fun day of hooking then driving home by myself like that , I would be tired too .
Love the colors you are using , this rug will be so beautiful ! Have Fun being with all your fellow Hookers !!!

Prims By The Water said...

My former job was only a 10 minute drive. I am not looking forward to going back to the office as you know. Loving your day 2 progress. Janice

Julia said...

Your new rug is looking good already. I used to like long drives but as I get old, I like staying home more and more. Some people love driving all day.

I don't have much time to post on my blog lately as it's a busy time of the year. Year-end tax reporting time and gardening. No rest for the weary. Have a great weekend. Right now I need a wee nap.


marly said...

Mark's friends drove over 90 minutes one way, every day, for over 30 years. Good pay and nowhere else to go around here after closings. I cannot imagine!!