Sunday, November 20, 2022

Neither Molly nor I are very happy with the cold, windy weather we have been having, but I am thankful I do not live in the Buffalo area.  I cannot even begin to imagine 5' of snow!!!

Of course I still have not re-hooked Proud Lion's eyes.  The reverse hooking on Gypsy is nearly complete.  Mr. Jingles is in the process of being bound.  I normally would bind with the wool used in the background, but I would have had to piece it together to have a strip long enough.  Instead I chose to bind in the red wool I used for his scarf.  After the binding is complete and he is steamed once again, his scarf tails will be added and buttons will be sewn on for his eyes and chest buttons.

Yesterday I went and "played".  The very upscale antique mall in Seville was having their Christmas open house.  Most items are totally out of my price range, but I did snag a couple bargains.  

This crock has no cracks and just a few flea bites on the ears (handles).  

It was priced so reasonably because at one time it was a lamp and has a hole drilled in the bottom.

This sampler was unbelievably cheap.  Yes, the bottom half is pretty much illegible, but I find that kind of endearing.  I suppose in my spare time I could get a magnifying glass and figure it out, but that is not likely to happen😂 I am not a purist and price is definitely a consideration in my purchases.

She is showing her age . . .

. . . has obviously been in this frame for many years.

And of course I could not resist a little box of ornaments.  Do I need them?  Heck no, but temptation got the best of me 😁

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊


Saundra said...

Wonderful old crock and you won't put liquid in it so no harm. Mr. Jingles is gonna be a stunner and hope you post a photo again when the embellishments are on.

Julia said...

You got lucky on this nice big crock. A great job on the snowman. He's looking really good.
Happy Thanksgiving.

NMK said...

Mr.Jingles is So Cute !!! I hooked that cute pattern too , it was really fun and I used old shoe button eyes too !
Wow your finds at the sale are great !!!
Have a Happy Thanksgiving !!!!

Prims By The Water said...

you scored at Seville. Wish I lived closer to go to all the prim shop open houses in Ohio. I would go broke I m afraid though. LOL Love your snowman and good thinking on the binding. It is perfect! Janice

acorn hollow said...

Wonderful treasures! I do not mind the cold but when the wind is blowing like it has been here it makes for a cold walk but I always feel good after.
Happy Thanksgiving My friend

marly said...

Oh that crock! Great finds girl! I heard that Seville is highly overpriced but what isn't?

Something new - instead of your comments not showing in email, now I get a Delivery Status Notice that you are not deliverable. So I still don't get them but they are recognizing you now! Is this progress? said...

I absolutely would have picked up these exact antique goodies. Lucky you! Happy Thanksgiving

Farm Girl said...

I love your finds! You find the coolest things. I love your rugs. I hope you have a lovely Thanksgiving.

marie said...

Want to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving. I tried to post on bloglovin----nope didn't happen.
I'm sure your sister is complaining about the cold. I live in N. Alabama and we have had night tempertures in the 20's for 8 days. A warming trend is starting due to rain coming on Thanksgiving day. This suppose to be part of the south! If it's going to be this cold, then wish we had snow.
Your rugs always turn out great. Still haven't hooked, now am full steam ahead with cross stitch. Quilting taking back seat.
Enjoy the holiday, I'll have a extra piece of pecan pie for you.