The OR was open yesterday, and surgery performed. The abscess is gone and me thinks she looks much better. Thank you, Julia 😁
Oh how I wish I could capture her true colors. I normally fail miserably, but this time worse than usual. I tried . . . sigh. iPad camera. iPhone camera. Different lighting. ARGH!!!
Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊
I love this rug! You did an excellent job!
I didn't really mind the eat, until .. you took it out. It looks so much better. You go girl. Have you ever used the editing tools on your phone to adjust the color?
The ear, ear
She looks so pretty now !!!
She is just lovely! Loved her both ways!
WOW! Great surgical procedure! Could you do a job on me to tighten my face?
Surgery was a success doctor Lauren. Janice
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