Sunday, February 23, 2025

Hooked, Bound & Labeled ~

Yellow Bird is finally done.  I mean completely done!!!  She was one of my most challenging rugs and without Kris Miller's guidance, I never could have hooked that darn face.  I hooked it all . . . except for the lips 😁.  The background is much more subtle in person.

I don't think I shared the wool used for her skirt.  It is amazing what a good plaid can do.  It's a real workhorse.

My labels aren't fancy like Saundra's, but I will call it good.  They print off white and I coffee stain them after sewing them.

Today we finally had temps above freezing.  Rising temperatures are most welcome.  Have I ever mentioned I HATE winter?  (Only about a hundred times, I suppose.)

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊


Saundra said...

Oh, so it was already bound when posted on FB? How unobservant of me. Never would have thought that was the wool used in the skirt because I didn't see the wine colored red in the skirt at all.
Good temps here too and should have worked outside cleaning up around the tree which toppled but I didn't. Hopefully tomorrow.

Sue Swank said...

I too am in the I hate winter club. She turned out great. It is a great plaid. You do such a good job of making your rugs look so primitive. Even those wonky squares in the border.

Maureen said...

I normally like winter ( retired, don’t HAVE to be anywhere) but this winter has been just too cold. I love Yellow Bird. Your hooking is beautiful. Congrats!