Friday, February 28, 2025

Purging ~


Adios, February!  I will not miss you in the least.  

Snowdrops are finally ready to bloom.  

I think I have mentioned before that a few months ago, all my sh** stuff was finally getting to me.  I am talking paperwork and stuff in the attic.  We won't even think about the basement or garage at this time.  I am not planning on going "anywhere" for a long time, but I don't want to leave my boys an absolute nightmare.  They like me now so I don't want them to end up hating me when I'm gone . . . 😁

It probably took me 6 weeks to purge paperwork.  I could only deal with it for a short time each day.  Kind of like how you eat an elephant - one bite at a time.  I am guessing at least 95% of the paperwork has been purged from my house.

I started on the attic about mid-January.  I am working at least a half hour each day.  Holy hell.  It is just overwhelming.  My previous house was a few hundred square foot larger.  When I moved here 25 years ago, I just boxed everything and what I was unable to display here went to the attic.  The stuff I am finding.  Pre-move, I collected vintage world globes.  Nowhere to display them here and I was shocked to find I had two huge boxes of them.  Marbles?  Now tell me why I have twelve different size bottles of marbles, about half vintage cats' eyes and the others the cool antique clay marbles.  My latest find . . . so called collector plates from the late 70's and early 80's I am guessing.  I counted 25 still in the original boxes, many unopened.  I never did display a one.  Those are the kind of things I don't think you can even give away.

One of the hardest things is dealing with items from my boys preschool and early grade school days.  Items made from construction paper.  Learning to print papers.  Simple stories they have written.  I am trying so hard to get rid of many of those items, but I will be making a "memory box" for each of them with items that I just can't toss.

I assume you are getting the idea of what I am dealing with.  I have given a bunch of stuff to friends and a load went to the thrift shop.  More will be going soon.  I had not intended to have another antique/vintage/collectible/decorating sale, but I have too much good stuff to just give it away . . . sigh.  So as it is coming down from the attic, it is going in the "garage sale" area of the basement.  God help me!!!

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊

1 comment:

Saundra said...

Hope the memory box is appreciated. Years ago I gave my son a sweater I knitted for him and clothing I'd sewn for him hoping he'd like to see his child wear them one day. Nope, am sure the box is still unopened in his attic as I never saw m y grandson in any of those things. The sweater was adorable.
Believe me when I say there's lots of crap here to get rid of as my son and DIL won't want them for sure.