Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Another One Fully Finished ~


I do believe this hit 'n miss was hooked and bound in record time.  After the challenge of hooking Yellow Bird, I just needed something totally mindless.  The squares are 5 1/2" and the overall size is about 18" x 30".

I am not wishing my life away, but I will be happy to say good riddance to February.  The shortest month of the year always seems the longest!  We finally have temps above freezing and most of our snow is gone.  I have two hooking ventures to look forward to in March.  Praying that the weather cooperates.

A fun log cabin purchased a few weeks ago.  It will reside outside in the garden.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊


Saundra said...

Am sure the recipient of the geometric rug is quite pleased with your speed. I too am looking forward to March but not because I'm going to a rug camp but because it will be closer to spring. Actually it seems as though I'm pushed the fast forward button on my life as I don't know where last year went.

Maureen said...

That rug looks like it would feel so comfy to bare feet.I like the look of it very much. Our part of Ohio turned beautiful this afternoon. Sunny, blue sky, all the snow except for little spots or snow plow piles gone! I got home from some errands (pothole season has commenced!) and took myself for a walk around the hood. I can’t remember the last time I did that. I hope everyone is enjoying their day

Maureen said...

P.S. been meaning to write that I have been enjoying your vintage little card greetings on your posts too

NMK said...

Love your scrappy rug ...those are fun to hook .
Your Log Cabin is so cute !
I'm sick of February & Winter ! Today was finally in the 40's ...snow & hard packed ice is finally melting , I could enjoy a nice walk outside today & listened to birds singing !!! Hope March will be much nicer weather !

TheCrankyCrow said...

If DSO doesn't love that rug as much as I do, I'm requisitioning it. And, yes, that was done in record time. Yikes. You and Saundra make me feel like an absolute loser (no shade thrown because I honestly am). Yesterday and today we had a pleasant warm-up with melting (ground is still snow-covered though)...but there's a weather advisory in effect for tonight for freezing rain and snow. Even knowing it's far too early for winter to be done with us here, it's a bitter pill to swallow. Love the log cabin...but, yikes! It's too nice to be outdoors in the garden!! ~Robin~

Prims By The Water said...

Cute log cabin. You hooked that hit or miss rug in record time me thinks. Will be glad February is gone too...so tired of Winter. Janice

marly said...

Fabulous cabin . You always find the neatest things. Another great rug!