Thursday, January 2, 2025

Lookee what I found ~

Found . . . but now needs to be used 😁

I also started another little Christmas stitchery.  I believe I stitched this once a number of years ago but needed another no-brainer thing to work on until I found my hook.  (Hook not really lost, but tucked away because I had no time to hook and didn't want the hooking mess in the living room during the holidays.)  Once again on 28 count linen because as I have said, I have no linen stash.  I started stitching it using the spacing on the chart.

Not happy at all with it, so started over with the letters and rows closer together.  MUCH better . . . but there a couple of snowflakes whose size may need to be adjusted by a couple threads.

I hope your New Year has started off without a bang!  

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊


acorn hollow said...

so glad you found your hook hasn't it been missing for some time? My poor old eyes could not do that stitching but I have some stitching ideas.
happy new year my friend

TheCrankyCrow said...

Glad you're getting some down time to actually hook and stitch? Don't think I'm familiar with the design you're stitching but, with an alphabet and snowflakes, it sounds like it's going to be a good one. I really like your floss and linen color choices. ~Robin~

NMK said...

I want to see the rug your are hooking ....this was just a tease !!!LOL
Love your stitching project !

Betty said...

Love the colors in the hooking so far. Keep us posted.

Prims By The Water said...

Yippee on you finding your hook. I just found my spare one yesterday as well. Put it with the one I like to hook with. I do like the letters a wee bit closer...but then again it depends on the whole picture. Cannot wait to see more of both of your projects. Janice

Saundra said...

Thought I'd commented yesterday but don't see it here ~ I don't recall seeing that hooked piece (first photo) at all. When did you start that one?