Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Overwhelmed by Stuff!!!

My living spaces are full of stuff.  I was recently told I really packed a lot in to my living areas, but it did not seem cluttered.  I feel the same way, but don't even think about opening a closet or drawer.  As previously mentioned, I was purging paperwork and still am.  I already have a laundry basket full of paperwork that needs to be taken to the secure county recycling center where they shred documents.  I decided to start cleaning one of the built in cupboards on the upstairs landing.  Holy moly is it full of crap stuff.  A week ago I bought one of those neck reading lights.  I thought it might help with cross stitching.  Well, golly gee.  Guess what I found in the cupboard?  An identical one still in the box that I must have purchased years ago and have absolutely no recollection of buying.  Now that is scary!  Thankfully I haven't used the new one and have all the packaging so it can be returned.  An entire tub of small boxes, spools, boards that one day I am going to attach something to.  (And there is more in the basement.)  Yeah, right.  The road to hell is paved with good intentions!

So not only am I purging paperwork and cleaning a cupboard, I need to un-decorate.  I started Saturday and dropped a little snowman ornament and chipped his hat and broke his scarf.  I have the pieces but they will be difficult to glue back on.  Then yesterday I dropped a paper mache' snowman.  I was able to sort of repair him with a paint job 😡.         

At the rate I am going, I will be living in chaos for quite some time, and I don't do chaos well 😬.  Oh well.  Oh hell.  This too shall pass.

I have made progress on my little Pineberry cross stitch.  Even having adjusted the spacing of the letters and rows, it is bigger than I would have liked it.  That's what happens when you only find a piece of 28 count linen in your meager stash!!!

I pulled a few loops on Yellow Bird but so few nothing worth sharing.

Thanks so much for stopping by.
Pug hugs 😊


WoolenSails said...

I know the feeling, drawers full of stuff that I have no use for. I still need to take down my christmas decorations, that is next.

marly said...

I have searched for items until realizing they were pitched. But no regrets. Good luck with the purge. Best time of year to tackle that job, done in time for flowers.

Prims By The Water said...

EGAD woman you are beginning to sound like me lately. I broke an ornament, have my own clutter and need to purge myself. Cannot tell you how many duplicate cross stitch patterns I have that I could not find and purchased again, and unfortunately I cannot return. Good luck with everything. I know you will accomplish it all, unlike me. Well best get my butt to work. Have a great day. Janice

Saundra said...

I too have stuff with good intentions which I should give to the thrift shop. I could feel your frustration and similarly feel that way often. But one thing in my favor is that it doesn't take me days and trips to put the decorations away. You'll get back to normal soon, have some time off and start again next October, lol.

Betty said...

Sometimes taming possessions can be so frustrating (what is this? do I need/want this? where does this go?) enough to make you nuts. But a feeling of accomplishment usually follows for me. I need to follow your lead. Your stitching and hooking are looking good!!

JustGail said...

I'm in the "good intentions" boat with you. Even things that I know I'll never make or fix...it's still difficult to bring myself to send them to thrift or trash. I wish the feeling of relief when I do would come to mind faster and bigger than still "seeing" those un-done plans!

acorn hollow said...

You know I have been purging since I retired a year and a half ago. I started with a closet and then went on to the next. I still have plenty that could go and have a bag to go now. It is freeing to open a drawer or closet and see what you have and not have to dig through
Sorry you broke some of your lovely Christmas things.

NMK said...

Oh I get so upset with myself when I break a treasured piece ....thankfully they have been repaired. I hit a jelly cupboard of mine yesterday ...I threw away so many things I haven't displayed , like cinnamon ornaments , ginger bread men , pomegranates , cinnamon sticks , old light bulbs ....felt so good to throw all these bits & pieces away . Now I can see exactly what is in there . I have to keep going ....but would rather hook now ! Good Luck to you !!!

Samplings from Spring Creek said...

Oh can I relate!!! i am in the process of decluttering, down sizing, destashing. Boy is it a process.

TheCrankyCrow said...

I think your ship of Good Intentions is probably more than at capacity and you can definitely count me among one of the passengers. Frankly, I'm at a point where I don't know where to begin. I've tried the "start with one drawer/closet" method, the "spend an hour each day" method, and the "if you haven't used it in xamt of time, toss" method...absolutely none stick. You'd be shocked to see my lower level - all the stuff still in boxes from WWR and The Great Flood...and when I had a FB selling group. I try to console myself and say it is a creative soul who accumulates stuff because we see the POTENTIAL...and, after all, you never know when you might need something like that. (Too many times, though, when we could actually use it, we forget we have it...or where it's stashed. (And I can't tell you how many times I've come across things that I have no recollection of buying. Scary stuff that.) I do know the release it gives to purge, but it seems I give it a start and something else that needs immediate attention smacks me in the face. Like today...I spent the entire afternoon at the DMV... Gah! Unfortunately, it's going to be many more visits there...and this one cost me over $5000. What the heck?? And, yeah...guess it's time to start taking the Christmas down....another of my lit trees (with the little white lights on brown cords that can't be found anymore) gave up the ghost. Makes me want to cry...but tells me 'tis time. ~Robin~

Leonora said...

The organizing/purging bug always hits me after the holidays. I get lost in the process and it takes me twice as long as planned to get it done. But boy does it ever feel good when it's done! I'm sorry about your broken pieces. I have tried to emotionally detach when I break an ornament but it still hurts.

Julia said...

Oh Lauren, I feel for you for your broken little treasures but I've been on a decluttering mini binge these past couple of weeks myself.
People gave me boxes and boxes of different sizes of preserve bottles. I have sooo many. I was too busy to put them in order and just stuck the boxes here and there. Now they are all sorted by sizes and I'll continue decluttering for a short time every day. I still have a lot of clutter to get rid off.

Your sampler is looking good.
Hugs, Julia

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